A、The driver of the sports car. B、The two girls inside the car. C、The man standing nearby. D、The salesman from London. A题目询问Paul

admin2019-04-23  29

Paul, a salesman from London, was driving past a sports car parked outside a supermarket when he saw it start to roll slowly down the hill. Inside the car were two young girls on the passenger seat but no driver. Paul stopped quickly, jumped in front of the sports car and tried to stop it—pushing against the front of the car. Another man, who was standing nearby, got into the car and put on the hand brake, saving the girls from injury. It was at this point that Paul noticed his own car rolling slowly down the hill and going too fast for him to stop it. It crashed into a bus at the bottom of the hill and was so badly damaged that it had to be pulled away to a garage. As if this was not bad enough, Paul now found he had no one to blame. He was so busy chasing his car that he did not get the name of the driver of the sports car who just came out of the supermarket and drove away without realizing what had happened.
16. Which car was badly damaged?
17. Where was the driver of the sports car when the accident happened?
18. Who did Paul think was to blame for the accident?
19. Who was injured in the accident?

选项 A、The driver of the sports car.
B、The two girls inside the car.
C、The man standing nearby.
D、The salesman from London.


解析 题目询问Paul认为这场事故的发生是谁的错。关键是听到文章最后所述:“Paul现在发现没人可责备,他忙着追自己的车,以至于没能得到跑车司机的名字,而那个司机根本不知道发生了什么事,扬长而去了。”Paul去挽救跑车,才导致自己的车严重损坏,因此事故责任在跑车司机,即A。文章中没有提到车里的两个女孩做了些什么,因而与事故的发生无关,B不正确;C中提到的男士挽救了跑车和车里的人,不是导致事故的人;选项D所指的人即Paul。
