All marriages are suspense thrillers, in a way. 【F1】From the outside, any relationship is a mystery, but even from within there

admin2019-08-08  24

问题    All marriages are suspense thrillers, in a way. 【F1】From the outside, any relationship is a mystery, but even from within there is much that is unknown and unsaid; no one really knows how it will all end. Years in, when responsibilities replace the romance and the days all look alike, staying together can feel less a desire than a duty. This is the moment when many marriages fall apart.
   There is "an element of will in love", writes Nelly Alard in "Couple Mechanics", the new English translation of her award-winning novel "Moment d’un Couple". Every relationship forces couples to "decide to love, to keep on loving, or to stop loving." 【F2】Such negotiations are invariably tricky, as the author shows in this elegant and gripping tale about a marriage on the rocks.
   【F3】The couple at the centre of this book live in Paris, but they could be any of the countless young-professional couple who are steadily changing outer districts to increasingly unaffordable big cities around the world. Olivier is a journalist, Juliette a computer engineer, and they strive for a balance between home and work, juggling their careers and their two children. The novel begins at their moment of coming apart: "Okay, so I’m seeing a girl," Olivier blurts out over the phone. He is hastily explaining to Juliette that he cannot make it to the cinema that night because the "girl", a socialist politician whom he has known for only a short time, is having a fit. No, he does not want to leave Juliette, he says later, but yes, he may be in love. He promises to extricate himself from his affair, but "it’ll take a bit of time."
   This book is really Juliette’s story, told in the third person. Olivier says he intends to stick around, yet he is often distant and discouraging. 【F4】Juliette tries to play it cool, but she finds herself turning into the kind of "pathetic creature consumed with jealousy" who searches her husband’s phone for evidence of affair. Suspense builds throughout this months-long saga, as it is never quite clear whose needs, and which union, will win the day.
   Ms Alard tells this tale with admirable restraint. Olivier’s mistress may be a bit too mad, but "Couple Mechanics" shies away from melodrama. 【F5】Instead, it offers a keen look at the work of love at that point—tough for everyone—when passion must be replaced by will.



解析 ①本句为主从复合句,包含一个定语从句。②at the work of love为后置定语,修饰a keen look,这里意为在婚姻到达这一阶段时,人们对爱情会产生强烈期许,这一阶段at that point为when引导的定语从旬所修饰,说明是热情被意愿所取代时。③两个破折号中间的成分是插入语成分tough for everyone,解释说明前句的at that point,说明这一阶段对每个人都是艰难的。
