外商直接投资 今年我国吸收外商直接投资继续保持增长,增幅基本适度。吸收外资在保持相当规模的基础上,外商投资结构进一步优化,高新技术领域吸收外资大幅增长,服务贸易领域吸收外资在全国总量中所占比重有所上升。外商投资区域进一步得到改善,东部地区吸收外资全

admin2018-08-12  31

问题     外商直接投资


答案 Foreign Direct Investment This year, China’s FDI (foreign direct investment) attraction kept a momentum of increase with a moderate growth rate. On the basis of a considerable scale, FDI attraction is further improved/ optimized in terms of investment structure/ mix. FDI attraction in the high-tech sector has been significantly increased, and FDI in the service trade sector/ the service sector also gained a larger share in the nation’s total. FDI attraction is also improved geographically with an overall increase in eastern China and a fairly large growth margin of contractual investment in the east and west of the country. From January to May, China had newly approved 17,359 foreign-invested enterprises, up by 14.39% year on year (up 14.39 percent over the previous year) , with a contractual foreign investment of 57.241 billion US dollars, up by 49.76% , and an actually utilized foreign investment of 25. 911 billion dollars, up (a rise of) 11.34%. By the end of May, there had been altogether 482, 636 foreign-invested enterprises approved, with the total contractual foreign investment of 1. 000371 trillion dollars and actually utilized 527. 381 billion dollars. China’s actually utilized FDI value is expected to be roughly on the same level of last year or better if no big problem pops up. (Barring unusual circumstances, actually utilized FDI will be unchanged, if not increased, from last year. ) With a view to improving FDI attraction and constantly upgrading the quality and level of FDI attraction, the Chinese government firmly seizes the important period of strategic opportunity of global economic restructuring, / further opens China to the outside world, improves investment climate and formulates relevant policies while it maintains the continuity and stability of FDI attraction policy. It will also draw up policies to restructure foreign invested industries and improve China’s international competitiveness (sharpen China’s international competitive edge) in terms of FDI attraction.

