中美在人权问题上既有分歧,也有共同点。两千多年以前中国汉代的思想家董仲舒就曾说过,“天地之精,所以生物者,莫贵于人”。所以中华民族历来尊重和维护人的尊严和权益。今天中国政府庄严地承诺,促进和保护人权与基本自由。 美国是世界上最发达的国家,人均国内生

admin2017-11-20  64

问题     中美在人权问题上既有分歧,也有共同点。两千多年以前中国汉代的思想家董仲舒就曾说过,“天地之精,所以生物者,莫贵于人”。所以中华民族历来尊重和维护人的尊严和权益。今天中国政府庄严地承诺,促进和保护人权与基本自由。


答案 China and the United States have differences on the issue of human rights, but also have common ground. More than two thousand years ago, Dong Zhongshu, a thinker in the Chinese Han Dynasty, once said, "the essence of heaven and earth creates living beings, but the people is most precious". Therefore, China has always respected and protected human dignity and rights. Today, the Chinese government solemnly pledged to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms. The United States is the most developed country in the world with a per capita GDP of nearly thirty thousand, while China is a developing country with a population of one billion and two hundred million dollars, with a per capita GDP of less than seven hundred dollars. Therefore, the social system, ideology, historical tradition and cultural background of the two countries are different. It is not surprised that the two countries have different ways and means of achieving human rights and fundamental freedoms. China emphasizes the importance of the right to subsistence and development, and at the same time, making efforts to strengthen democracy and the legal system to protect the people’s economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights. 9. China is a society and a country where the people are the masters of the country, and the Chinese people can elect their deputies in a direct or indirect way.

