Many people agree with the ideas and goals of women’s liberation. They feel that women ought to be considered equal to men in ev

admin2010-09-12  22

问题     Many people agree with the ideas and goals of women’s liberation. They feel that women ought to be considered equal to men in every way. They feel that a woman should be able to decide to stay home and raise a family, or to stay home and not raise a family, or to go out and work, or to have a job outside the home and the family as well. They feel a woman should be able to do anything that she wants to do and can do. Other people are opposed to women’s liberation. They do not think that women should have the same jobs and the same pay as men. They believe that men should do all of the important work. They feel that women should stay at home, taking care of men and children. Many husbands do not want their wives to work outside the home. Some women agree with these men. People who support women’s liberation do not feel that it is bad for a woman to remain at home if she wants to. They believe that work in the home is important and should be respected. But they want to make sure that a woman works at home because she wants to, and not because she can’t get a job outside the home, or because she does not believe that she can do anything useful in her community.


答案 许多人都赞同妇女解放运动的观点和目标。他们认为妇女在各方面都应得到同男子一样的待遇,妇女应该自己决定是在家相夫教子、操持家务;还是呆在家里,同丈夫做“丁克”一族;还是出去工作;还是工作孩子两不耽误。他们认为妇女应该去做她们自己想做、自己能做的事情。也有些人反对妇女解放运动,在他们看来,男女不应同工同酬,男子应做所有重要的事情,妇女就该呆在家中照顾丈夫、孩子,他们不愿妻子出去工作。有些妇女也赞同这些男子的观点。如果一个妇女愿意呆在家中,支持妇女解放运动的人并不感到这是坏事。在他们看来,在家操持家务和在外工作一样重要,也应受到尊重。但这样的前提是妇女自愿在家,而不是因为在外面找不到工作,或者她认为自己不能在社区做任何有用的事情。

