要一个人独自进食,即使不算重罚,在中国文化中通常也被视为不幸,一种不无悲凉的境地。汉语对吃独食的描述,大都乏善可陈,一句“胡乱吃了些”搪塞过去。中国人的社会中,人必须借饮食与他人沟通,与社会上的人形成生命共同体之感受。 如今,大家庭在解体,晚婚、单

admin2017-06-12  42

问题     要一个人独自进食,即使不算重罚,在中国文化中通常也被视为不幸,一种不无悲凉的境地。汉语对吃独食的描述,大都乏善可陈,一句“胡乱吃了些”搪塞过去。中国人的社会中,人必须借饮食与他人沟通,与社会上的人形成生命共同体之感受。


答案In Chinese culture, dining alone is usually thought to be a misery if not a severe punishment—a rather disconsolate and deplorable situation. Chinese phrases describing such a phenomenon are exceptionally few. " I just grabbed a quick and casual bite" is the most typical answer a man would provide to dismiss a polite inquiry with, after he has finished eating solo. In Chinese society, people love to communicate over food and drink, so much so that they seem unable to develop a sense of fellowship otherwise. Nowadays, the traditional extended family is giving way to a new and more liberal style of life. More and more people choose to marry late, stay single or simply live alone. Even the so-called civilian society under reconstruction now is hardly the same as it used to be. At least, one will not need to treat the webmaster to a delicious meal when he applies for membership of some website. Opportunities for dining together are no longer abundant. Although the majority of Chinese citizens have become increasingly used to eating in isolation, the sorrow thus caused still plagues them like a gloomy shadow. In view of the current discussion raging everywhere as to the plights of modernization (or globalization) , I wonder whether eating alone may be counted as one of them.

解析 1.第一段第一句中“即使不算重罚……也被视为不幸”,虽然汉英两种语言中这种句式的结构不同,但都是相对固定的说法。翻译时应进行相应的调整,可译为…is usually thought to be a misery if not a severe punishment。
2.第二句中的“搪塞过去”原意是指不好意思拒绝就敷衍和打发人家的好意问候,可译为dismiss a polite inquiry。
3.在翻译第一段最后一句的时候可以适当进行调整,以结果状语从句的形式来体现,译为people love to communicate over food and drink,so much so that…。
4.“形成生命共同体”就是“与他人感同身受,融为一体”,故译为develop a sense of fellowship。
5.第二段第一句可分译为两句。“大家庭在解体”意为“传统的大家庭生活方式让位给新的更为自由的生活方式”,可译为Nowadays,the traditional extended family is giving way to a new and more liberal style of life。
6.第二段第二句中“不再是原有的形态”可译为hardly the same as it used to be。
7.第二段第四句中“心理上挥之不去的阴影”翻译时应该把隐含的意思补充完全。阴影肯定给人内心造成了不快和伤感,可以采用比喻的手法译为the sorrow thus caused still plagues them like a gloomy shadow。
8.最后一句中“现代化的困境”译为plights of modernization更合适。plight含有“不幸的、让人无奈的困境”,dilemma则指“进退两难”。
