I truly believe that anyone can improve his or her manners by doing three things. First, by practicing courtesy. All skills requ

admin2011-01-02  28

问题    I truly believe that anyone can improve his or her manners by doing three things. First, by practicing courtesy. All skills require constant repetition to become second nature; good manners are no exception. The second requirement for improving your manners is to think in a courteous way. In the long run, the kind of person you are is the result of what you’ve been thinking over the past twenty or thirty years. If your thoughts are predominantly self-directed, a discourteous person ,is what you will be. If on the other hand you train yourself to be considerate of others, if you can acquire the habit of identifying with their problems and hopes and fears, good manners will follow almost automatically. Nowhere is the courtesy more important than in marriage. In the intimacy of the home it is easy to displace disappointment or frustration or anger onto the nearest person, and that person is often a husband or wife. Finally, to have good manners you must be able to accept courtesy, receive it gladly, rejoice when it comes your way. Strangely, some people are suspicious of gracious treatment. They suspect the other person of having some ulterior motive.


答案 首先,练习文明举止。所有的技能都需要不断重复,而后才能成为第二天性,礼貌也不例外。为了改进你的行为举止,第二个要素就是要具有礼貌的思维方式。从长远的观点来看,你过去 20或30年的所思所想决定着你现在是什么样的人。如果你的主导思想是从个人出发的,那你就会是一个没有礼貌的人。反之,如果你培养自己为他人着想,如果你能习惯于理解他们的问题、愿望和忧虑,你就会自然而然地以礼待人。以礼待人在婚姻中比在其他任何方面都更重要。在家庭这个亲昵的环境中,人们很容易把自己的失意、沮丧或愤怒的情绪向最亲近的人发泄,而这个发泄对象往往不是丈夫就是妻子。最后,礼貌还包括能够接受他人对你的文明礼遇。受到礼遇时要高高兴兴,当它不期而至时要以喜悦相迎。

