Beijing is taking aim at the "sharing economy" in China, publishing draft regulations that would impose taxi-like restrictions o

admin2017-07-11  67

问题     Beijing is taking aim at the "sharing economy" in China, publishing draft regulations that would impose taxi-like restrictions on private cart-hailing services and could raise costs for internet booking leaders Uber and Didi Kuaidi.
    The regulations, open for public comment for a month, would require internet-based car-booking operators to obtain licenses, set up local offices and maintain China-based servers, China’s Ministry of Transportation said in a draft posed on its Website late on Friday.
    The release comes two days after Shanghai awarded the first municipal internet car-hailing license in China to Didi, an important step towards regulating an industry that has been controversial in cities around the world. Municipalities from Amsterdam to New Delhi have struggled to control the proliferation of car-hailing apps, ensure passenger safety and deal with the impact of such services on the traditional taxi industry.
    Uber and Didi, the mainland market leader, have long operated in a grey area of Chinese law, with most municipalities ruling private taxis technically illegal. That ban has not been rigorously or consistently enforced, however. Beijing plans by the end of the year to announce national rules that could either formally legalise the growing car-hailing industry or strangle it.
    People in the industry point out that even if the draft regulations are adopted, there still would be ample room for municipal regulators to issue detailed local policies that could affect their implementation. Some of the rules are as strict as those on the heavily regulated traditional taxi industry, and thus could prove costly if rigorously enforced nationwide, they said.


答案 北京把目光投向中国的“共享经济”,发布法规草案,拟对私人叫车服务实行类似于出租车的限制,此举可能推高互联网打车应用领先者优步和滴滴快车的成本。 中国交通运输部上周五晚在官网公布征求意见稿,并向社会征求意见,为期一个月。这些法规将要求网约出租汽车运营商获得牌照、设立当地办事处,并将服务器设置在中国内地。 上述草案出炉两天前,上海向滴滴快车颁发了中国首份网约车平台经营牌照,向监管在世界各地许多城市引发争议的打车应用行业迈出重要一步。从阿姆斯特丹到新德里,市政当局竭力控制打车应用的兴起,以确保乘客安全,并应对此类服务对传统出租车行业的影响。 中国内地市场的领先者优步和滴滴快车一直在中国法律的灰色地带运营,中国多数地方政府裁定私人叫车服务从严格意义上来说是违法的。不过,这项禁令并没有得到认真或统一的执行。北京计划最迟在今年年底宣布全国性规则,这些规则可能正式给予不断发展的打车应用行业合法地位,也可能封杀这个行业。 业内人士指出,即使该草案正式生效,各地市政监管机构仍将有足够空间出台当地政策细则,影响这些法规的执行。他们表示,其中一些规则的严格程度类似于针对受到严格监管的传统出租车行业的规则。因此,如果在全国各地得到严格执行,可能带来高昂成本。

解析     本文选自英国《金融时报》(Financial Times)的作者帕提.沃德米尔(Patti Waldmeir)的一篇报道,讨论了中国立法管制“网约车”服务一事。2016年可以说是“网约车”在中国飞速发展的黄金时期,由其引起的各种问题也日益受到公民及政府的关注,因此关于立法管制“网约车”也成为当时的一个热门话题,考生在平时的复习中要着眼于当年发生的一些热门事件,查阅中英文相关报道,提高对命题热点的敏感度。
