
admin2017-02-24  26

问题     如果你的祖父母出生于20世纪早期的富裕国家,他们的寿命可能是50来岁。现今在发达国家,人的平均寿命可达80岁甚至以上。这是由于自来水、冲水马桶以及医疗等公共卫生条件的改善。但这些改善大多惠及富裕国家。世界上仍有许多地方没有干净的水、足够的食物和医生。因此,那里的人们经常被饥饿和疾病折磨,他们的平均寿命并不长。


答案 If your great grandparents were born in a rich country in the early 20th century, their lifespans would have been about 50. Today people in developed countries have a life expectancy of 80 or more. This is because the improvement of public health condition, such as the running water, the flushing toilets and the medical care. But the improvement has mostly benefited the richer nations. There are still places in the world that do not have clean water, enough food or doctors. So people there often suffer from hunger and diseases, and they do not have very long life expectancy.

解析 1.“20世纪早期”译为in the early 20th century。
2.“寿命”译为lifespan。如:The researchers then compared the photos with the lifespan of each player.意为“然后研究者们把照片和队员们的寿命进行了比较。”
3.本文有几处约定俗成的翻译。如:“平均寿命”译为life expectancy。“自来水”译为running water。“冲水马桶”:译为flushing toilet。“医疗”译为medical care。
4.“被……折磨”译为suffer from。如:How long have you been suffering from a headache?意为“你被头痛折磨多久了?”
