Not long before, the national government issued a new regulation on the management of lost items which encourages giving rewards

admin2017-07-05  39

问题     Not long before, the national government issued a new regulation on the management of lost items which encourages giving rewards for returning lost items. The following article provides detailed information about this issue.
    Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should:
    1. summarize briefly both articles;
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    Giving Rewards for Returning Lost Property?
    In the middle of July, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress released the Property Rights Law, seeking feedback from the general public. One of the most contentious matters in the draft is whether a reward should be paid for recovered property. The draft clearly stipulates lost property should be returned to its rightful owner.
    After the draft law was made public, it sparked extensive debate. Some say the clause encouraging the payment of rewards must be changed, as it goes against the traditional Chinese virtue of "returning the money found without payment." The law should encourage these sound values and call on society to carry on this tradition, many think.
    But others argue the terms of the draft do not contradict traditional virtues. Judging from foreign legislation, the attitude appears to be that if lost property is of little value and is not State-owned, finders can be keepers.
    Zhao Chenguang, an official from the Wenfeng District People’s Procuratorate in Anyang, Henan Province, said: "From a very young age, people are educated about returning money found. However, does the new trend make this traditional virtue seem old-fashioned?"
    A young security guard from the countryside, who earned only 1,300 yuan a month, found a wallet containing 80,000 yuan in cash and other valuables whilst on duty, and took the trouble to return the wallet to its owner. The young man refused to accept the 5,000-yuan reward offered by the owner. The media praised the young man for his righteous act, especially in light of the fact that his father is a poor farmer and his mother has been ill in bed for a long time. The reward money would have been a huge help for him and his family.
    Many were inspired by the unselfish security guard’s actions. But others took pity on him.
    Some say the man was right not to take the reward, as he became a righteous hero. On the other hand, some believe he could have accepted the money with a clear conscience as it would have been proper, reasonable and lawful to do so.
    Indeed it would have been right for the young guard to take the money. He should be rewarded not only for returning the lost wallet, but also for his honesty and integrity.
    So why did the young man refuse to accept the money? He was obviously influenced by traditional values, and of course his action was his personal choice. But in terms of encouraging people to act morally and rationally, the young man should have accepted the reward.
    As for owners, it is up to them to show their gratitude whether materially or not If the giving of rewards is forcibly stipulated by law, owners may be upset and violate it. As for lost property keepers, if the law says it is acceptable for them to claim a reward, things may turn sour.
    We should not encourage good deeds by way of offering legal rewards. We may try to preserve morality by law but will actually destroy it in doing so.


答案 Rewards for Returning Lost Items Should Be Promoted Recently, the draft of Property Rights Law has stirred much controversy as it suggests giving rewards to those who return lost items. Some people regard this rule as a violation to the traditional virtue of giving back lost items without payment, thinking it is money-oriented. However, others believe that giving rewards for returning lost items inspires people to be moral and honest. The kindness of the upright security guard mentioned above brought both admiration and pity, as some people consider the acceptance of reward would not go against traditional value. It is also pointed out that if regulations force owners to express their appreciation materially, a moral decline may follow. As for me, giving rewards for returning lost items is a sensible decision in both practical and moral aspects. To start with, giving rewards for returning lost items is practical. Time is considered very valuable in today’s fast-paced society. Under such circumstance, it should be understood that returning the lost item takes time and energy. It is hence natural that the kindness should be rewarded and time compensated. For the owner, he has also found a way to express his thanks by giving a relatively small portion of what he has got back. Viewed in pragmatic lens, the suggestion is fair and sensible for both sides. Secondly, rewarding people for returning lost items also fosters a positive moral climate. Zilu, one of Confucius’s disciples, saved a man from drowning. The man gave Zilu a cow to show his gratitude and Zilu happily accepted it. On hearing the story, Confucius remarked gladly that there would be more people ready to help others ever since. From the story we can see that giving rewards to those who have helped you does not make the behavior less "moral". In conclusion, rewarding people for returning lost items successfully strikes a balance between practical concerns and moral ones. It does not only compensate the time and energy devoted in the process of returning the items, but also cultivates a favorable moral climate.

解析     材料围绕“是否应奖励拾金不昧的行为”展开讨论,总体而言是反对的态度。内容大致可分为三部分。
    第一至三段指出,物权法(the Property Rights Law)草案有关奖励拾金不昧行为的条例引起了争议。有人认为这样做违背了拾金不昧的传统美德(it goes against the...virtue of “returning the money found without payment.”)。也有人根据外国法律的例子表示不认同。
    第四至第九段则以一位正直的(righteous)保安拾金不昧的实例作进一步分析。收入微薄的保安拒绝了失主对他的酬谢。在得到赞扬的同时,也有人认为他接受酬谢是合情、合理、合法的(would have been proper,reasonable and lawful to do so)。
    最后两段是作者的总结。作者认为,通过法律来奖励拾金不昧的初衷是保护这种美德(preserve morality),但若真的要这样做,事情的性质会发生变化(turn sour),反而会起到破坏作用。
