When the Kodak Brownie was launched in 1900, its slogan was "you press the button and we do the rest". Photographers no longer h

admin2010-06-18  20

问题 When the Kodak Brownie was launched in 1900, its slogan was "you press the button and we do the rest". Photographers no longer had to be amateur scientists adept at mixing chemicals in darkened rooms. Photography quickly became a mass-market phenomenon.
   A century later, digital photography awaits a similar breakthrough. Digital cameras are increasingly popular—they accounted for around a quarter of world-wide camera sales last year- but they are not for everybody. Getting the most out of a digital camera requires a PC to store, edit, distribute and print images. For many people, it is all too much trouble. According to Esatman Kodak, 80% of digital-camera owners still use film cameras more than half the time, and fewer than 20 % d the 30 billion digital photos taken each year axe ever printed out. Printing is simply too demanding.
   The industry is now trying to solve this problem, since prints are what make money. At the moment, that money goes mainly to the makers of paper and ink cartridges/or color printers, notably HP (formerly Hewlett-Packard). Indeed, the business is so lucrative that the European Union recently launched a probe into whether printer makers were illegally forcing consumers to buy their ink cartridges.


答案1900年,柯达布朗尼推向市场,口号是:“你按快门,剩下的我们做。”摄影者们不必再当业余科学家在暗室里熟练地混合化学药品。摄影很快拥有了广大市场。 一个世纪后,数码摄影正等待着一个类似的突破。数码相机正日益普及,去年约占世界上相机销售总量的四分之一,但不是每个人都能使用数码相机。要想充分利用数码相机需要一台PC机去储存、编辑、发送和打印图像。对于许多人来说,这太麻烦了。根据伊萨特曼-柯达所说,80%数码相机的拥有者在半数以上的时间里仍然使用普通相机,而每年用数字相机拍出的300亿张照片中,不到20%被打印了出来。打印要求太高。

