(1) China and the United States signed a historic agreement yesterday that will pave the way for Beijing to enter the World Trad

admin2011-03-14  21

问题     (1) China and the United States signed a historic agreement yesterday that will pave the way for Beijing to enter the World Trade Organization (WTO), 13 years after it applied to join. While Beijing has still to complete negotiations with other WTO members, the US was the toughest party to deal with. The agreement, and after six gruelling days and nights of negotiations, opens the way for China to join the world’s principle trading body and is the mainland’s most important economic event since December 1979. When it switched from state planning and isolationism to reform and the open-door policy. Zhang Ligang, chief executive of e-Long com, an Internet start-up firm that was illegal when it was founded last week but become legal yesterday with the lifting of a ban on foreign investment in the Net, summed up the day. "If we say that Deng Xiaoping opened China to the world in 1979, we can say that this time China has entered the world" (2) The chief US negotiator, Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky, described the deal as "profoundly important" , "absolutely comprehensive" and an excellent one for American business. At a meeting with Ms Barshevfsky yesterday afternoon, President Jiang Zemin called the deal "good, historic and realistic, and a win-win for both sides which showed that both countries saw the issue from a strategic view point.
    China’s entry into the WTO will have profound ramifications for the country, binding her to international trading rules and encouraging foreign firms to invest by providing a system less based on rule by the idiosyncrasies of an official and more on transparent laws and regulations. It will accelerate a process of closing money-losing and over-manned state companies and moving labor and capital into market-driven businesses.   In the short term, it will drive up unemployment as inefficient, capital-intensive state industries are  shut down. (3) It also marks a vital victory for Prime Minister Zhu Rongji, the main proponent, along with Mr Jiang, of China’s membership, who offered a similar deal in Washington in April. The war in Yugoslavia, in which Beijing sided with Sebia, and the Nato bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, froze negotiations from until September. (4) For Mr Zhu, WTO membership will serve as a motor for reform of state companies, banking, insurance, securities and other industries. At a news conference just before she left China, Ms Barshefsky said the support of the two presidents had been crucial. Presidents Bill Clinton and Jiang Zemin met in Auckland and agreed to put the talks back on track, with a deadline of the next round of WTO talks that will begin in Seattle on November 30. Beijing will eliminate non-tariff quotas within five years, some in two to three years. It will cut tariffs on imported cars from the current 80-100 percent to 25 percent by 2006 and allow foreign financial institutions to finance the purchase of cars. It will allow 49 percent foreign investment in telecommunications firms from the date of entry, rising to 50 percent in two years, and will allow foreign banks to conduct local currency business with domestic companies two years after accession and with domestic individuals five years after.
    Beijing also agreed to lift a ban on foreign investment in the Internet. (5) In return, Beijing received a concession on textiles, with Washington backing down from its demand that quotas on China’s exports remain until 2010. Instead they will end in 2005, but with an "anti-import surge" mechanism remaining for a further four years, to prevent a flood of experts.


答案 1.中国和美国昨天签署了一项历史性协议,这将为中国在提出申请13年之后加入世界贸易组织(WTO)铺平道路。 2.美国首席谈判者——“贸易代表”查伦?巴尔舍夫斯基称该协议“意义深远”、“非常全面”,并且对于美国商界来说是一项了不起的协议。 3.这也标志着朱镕基总理的重大胜利,他和江先生一道,不遗余力地推动中国加入世界贸易组织,早在4月他就在华盛顿提出了一项类似的协议。 4.对于朱总理来说,世界贸易组织成员资格将成为推动国有公司、银行业、保险业、证券业以及其他行业改革的动力。 5.作为回报,中国得到美方在纺织品方面的让步:华盛顿不再坚持要求对中国的纺织品配额保留到2010年。

