
admin2014-09-30  35

问题     对于中国人来说,“面子”十分重要,它指的是一个人根源于自尊的名誉观。大部分中国人都认为,有面子是最重要的事情之一,丢面子则会带来巨大的痛苦。因此,人们必须了解并遵守面子规则,如果违反就会受到严厉的惩罚。然而,有时候一个人丢面子不仅仅是因为他们的行为不符合社会的要求,还可能是由于别人的行为没有符合他个人的期待。


答案 Face is immensely important for the Chinese. It can be defined as a notion of one’s reputation rooted in self-esteem. Most of the Chinese people believe that to have face is one of the most valued things, while to lose face is a cause of great anguish. Thus, people are expected to know and abide by the rules of face and are penalized harshly if they break them. However, sometimes a person could lose face not only because of his failure to match up to society’s obligations on him, but also from the failure of others to act in accordance with his expectations of them.

解析 1.第一句中,“面子”译为face,“十分重要”译法很多,如of great importance,significantly important,essential都可以。“指的是”即给面子下定义,可译为be defined as.“自尊”还可译为pride。
2.第二句“有面子”译为have face,而“丢面子”译为lose face,汉英之间相差无几。“巨大的痛苦”可以译为greatanguish,或者great pain。为了从形式上也能构成对比,“造成”虽为动词,却处理成了名词形式a cause of。
3.第三句,“必须”译为must也可,但是语气颇为生硬,这里译为be expected to更为委婉,含有一种期待的意味。“受到严厉的惩罚”翻译为be penalized harshly。
4.最后一句是“不仅仅……还……”的结构,需注意全句的结构安排。两个原因可如译文中处理成两个介词短语的形式,match up to和in accordance with都有“符合,与……一致”的意思;也可以用原因状语从句表达,用fail to do sth.的形式,即A person could lose face not only because he fails to match up to society’s obligations on him,but alsobecause others do not act in accordance with his expectations of them.如果是这种形式,则because后面的主语不一致,故不及译文一气呵成。
