All parents hope for a prosperous, happy and secure future offspring. However, should they design their children’s future especi

admin2016-06-30  38

问题     All parents hope for a prosperous, happy and secure future offspring. However, should they design their children’s future especially when it comes to the lifetime decisions? There are a host of different opinions held by different individuals. The following are opinions from both sides. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:
    1. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides:
    2. give your comment.
    Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
    Parents should help children design their future by encouraging them to set high goals. This is because high parental expectations tend to have a potential effect on a child’s academic performance and professional achievement. The words and behaviors of parents definitely have a deep influence on children, helping build their own beliefs. Those beliefs, in turn, then determine their habitats and emotions and, ultimately, their lives for better or for worse.
    From birth to the moment a child controls his own destiny, parents are always there, teaching them all the intricacies of life. So this bond of love and affection will give parents more leverage to decide everything pertaining to the welfare of their children. On the one hand, parents are in a better position to know and care about their children. On the other hand, children often have no clear ideas about what their true interests and passions are and thus they can be very prone to making wrong decisions. Hence, deciding their future should be in the hands of parents. Besides, parents endowed with experience and wisdom can look out for potential problems and make choices.
    Xiao Mei of Tianjin University: I strongly contend that parents should never plan their children’s future. I’ve seen many people taking a job in a field that pays well but that they don’t like. If you’re not allowed to challenge yourself to live to your own edge and create a life you truly enjoy, then you will live a miserable life and your potential to success will be limited due to lack of passion. Furthermore, parents often tend to want their children to be like them or do something because they never had a chance to. Eventually children have become a means to achieve their parents’ unfulfilled goals. Nevertheless, it’s not the parents’ life but the children’s.
    Han Meng of Shenzhen University: Parents should allow children to learn through failures or mistakes. Protecting or caging a child is preventing him from exploring and learning the world during the critical growth period. That’s how his wholesome development of the mind occurs. If parents try to control a child’s decisions, the child should be brave enough to break away and not to confide in his parents. By offering support even while gently saying they think the decision isn’t wise, parents earn trust. I always listen to my mother’s advice and respect her opinions, but in the end I have to learn by doing what I think is right, even if it may be not.
    Write your response on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.


答案 Should Parents Determine Their Children’s Future? Should parents determine the future of their children? Some parents believe that high parental expectations are associated with high academic and professional achievement and they are responsible for motivating children by helping them set high expectations. They also hold that they are fully aware of their children’s needs and their deep affection entitles them to make decisions for their children. However, children argue that some parents, paving the way for children’s future success, leave few chances for them to deal with problems by themselves. Moreover, curbing children’s desires or independence would be detrimental and might invite rebellious attitudes. In my opinion, it is universally true that parents have rich life experience, wisdom and knowledge which are assets to their children and they do exert a strong impact on their children’s growth. But a fact we can’t ignore is that being over controlling is sure to stir up resentment and inhibit their children’s academic or career growth. As a matter of fact, the way a child learns how to make decisions is by making decisions, not by following directions. Therefore, parents need to let go a little bit and let their kids live their own lives when they are instinctively more mature and can think out the consequences of certain things. Furthermore, parents can also help filter choices through questions and research. Considering that, there is no doubt that parents are the best candidates to discuss career outlook with their children before they choose a college major, a field of graduate study or a first job. All in all, I should say that the decision, no matter how big or small, lies in the children themselves and only in this way can they learn to make decisions on their own and then deal with the consequences.

解析     通过审题可知,题目指出父母都希望孩子的未来能幸福、成功,但父母是否应该为子女做决定,尤其是关系到人生大事的决定。在写作时,第一段简要总结文中给出的父母和孩子的观点;第二段重点阐述自己对这一话题的观点与看法:首先父母不能过分干涉孩子的生活,其次当孩子有能力自己做决定时,父母要学会放手,同时父母可以借助一些问题和调查帮助孩子缩小选择范围;结尾段总结自己的观点。
