America is the land of the automobile. This country has only 6 percent of the world’s population out of 46 percent of the world’

admin2015-12-31  9

问题     America is the land of the automobile. This country has only 6 percent of the world’s population out of 46 percent of the world’s cars. Right now, there are 97 million privately owned cars consuming 75 billion gallons of gasoline and traveling an estimated 1 000 billion miles a year. The figures also affirm something we know every time we refill our gasoline tank. The automobile is a very thirsty piece of technology. Of the total petroleum supply in the United States, 30 percent goes to quench (压制,解渴) that thirst. Every year for each passenger car, about 800 gallons of gasoline are consumed.
    Other aspects of our commitment to the automobile also bear mentioning here. It takes a great deal of energy to manufacture one automobile—about 150 million BTUs of energy. This is equivalent to 1 200 gallons of gasoline, enough to run a car for about 1 600 miles. We expend energy in the process of shipping cars from factories to showrooms, displaying them for sale and making replacement parts for repairs. One out of six jobs in the nation is associated with the automobile business. About two gallons of gasoline are consumed in the process of making every ten gallons that are pumped into an automobile’s gas tank.
    Building highways and parking lots has used up much of our land. It has been estimated that we have paved over 21 000 square miles of this country’s surface, most of it to accommodate (容 纳) the automobile. The automobile is also the largest contributor to our nation’s air pollution problem and a very serious one because most of its pollutants are emitted in our large metropolitan (大都市) areas. Aside from the great impact that would occur if everyone seriously practiced conservation, one should stop and think about his own casual use of the automobile. There are numerous situations where better planning and awareness could really make a difference in energy savings and dollars. Because the automobile uses the largest percentage of energy in an average American family’s energy budget and almost half of the dollars, the impetus for savings is tremendous.
According to the author, most people realize that______.

选项 A、great efforts have been made to solve the energy problem
B、the automobile uses large amounts of gasoline
C、car pools help to solve some of the energy problem
D、alternate sources of energy must be found


解析 本题问作者指出,大多数人意识到了什么。文章第一段指出,美国是汽车之乡,它的人口只占世界人口的6%,但是,它的汽车却占世界总数的46%。目前,那里有9 700万辆私人汽车,每年消耗汽油750亿加仑,行驶1万亿英里。每当我们往油箱里加油时,这些数字也会印证我们的一些认识。汽车是一项嗜油若渴的技术,在美国的石油供应总量中30%用于给汽车解渴,每年每辆客车要消耗800加仑汽油。因此,本题的正确答案应是B“汽车用掉了大量的汽油”。
