We, the Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors of the G-20, have a common goal of promoting employment, welfare and develo

admin2019-07-30  50

问题 We, the Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors of the G-20, have a common goal of promoting employment, welfare and development in our countries. We are convinced that strong and sustained economic growth is necessary both at national and global level to achieve this end. We have therefore discussed the requirements for long-lasting growth on the basis of our own experience and believe that domestic policy needs to address three tasks: establishing and maintaining monetary and financial stability; enhancing domestic and international competition; and empowering people to participate. Transparency and accountability within an internationally agreed framework of codes and standards remain key to ensuring sustained economic growth and stability at the global level. We agreed on the following key elements that will guide our domestic economic policies in the future. In implementing these elements, microeconomic aspects must be given due consideration. As these principles are interlinked, they must be implemented consistently, with due regard to possible trade-offs and complementarities, because many single elements have the potential of blocking the positive effects of others. While appropriate and credible policies are the basis for economic growth, they need to be backed by high-quality institutions, including ethical standards in corporate governance. Policymakers should build institutions in parallel with engaging in reforms and also ensure that institutions stay consistent with the requirements of a changing environment. However, given the diversity of institutional settings and the success of different economic strategies among G-20 countries, there is no single template for strong long-term growth. Policies need to be shaped to the special circumstances in individual countries.


答案 我们G20成员国的财政部长和央行行长们有着促进本国就业、福利和发展的共同目标。我们相信,只有在国家、全球两个层面上均实现强有力的持续经济增长,这一目标才能达成。因此,我们根据自己的经验,讨论了持久增长的要求,认为国内政策需解决三个任务:建立和维护货币和金融的稳定,推动国内和国际竞争,使人民参与其中。国际规范和标准的框架内部的透明度和问责制仍是确保全球范围内经济持续增长和稳定的关键。我们同意以下几个指导未来国内经济政策的主要因素。落实这些因素时,应充分考虑微观形势。由于这些原则内部相互关联,必须一以贯之,适当顾及到可能的平衡和互补,因为许多单一因素都有可能阻碍其他因素的积极影响。虽然合适可靠的政策是经济增长的基础,他们也需要优良制度的支持,包括公司治理的道德标准。政策制定者应该在改革的同时建立制度,并且确保制度满足不断变化的环境的要求。然而,鉴于制度设定的多样性和G-20国家的不同经济策略的成功,强劲的长期经济增长并没有一个统一的模板。各国需根据自己的具体情况制定政策。

