
admin2021-08-19  11

问题     习近平在参观《复兴之路》展览时发表讲话,首次提出中国梦。实现中华民族伟大复兴,就是中华民族近代以来最伟大的梦想。这个梦想,凝聚了几代中国人的夙愿。中国梦基本内涵是实现国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福。中国梦是国家的、民族的,也是每一个中国人的。中国梦归根到底是人民的梦。实现中国梦必须走中国道路,弘扬中国精神,凝聚中国力量。中国梦是和平、发展、合作、共赢的梦,不仅造福中国人民,也同各国人民的美好梦想息息相通。实干才能梦想成真。中国梦不是镜中花、水中月,不是空洞的口号。人民对美好生活的向往就是中国共产党的奋斗目标。


答案 Xi Jinping first explained his vision of the Chinese Dream when visiting the exhibition "The Path to National Rejuvenation". National rejuvenation has been the greatest dream of the Chinese people since the beginning of modern times. It is a dream that spans generations. In essence, the Chinese Dream is a commitment to bringing prosperity and happiness to our country, our nation and our people. It is a dream of our country, our nation, and our people. To make our dream come true, we must follow the Chinese path to development, elevate the Chinese spirit, and boost national cohesion. The Chinese Dream is a dream of peace, development, cooperation and prosperity for all, benefiting not only the Chinese people but also the people of the rest of the world. Only by staying focused on achieving real results and making sustained and unwavering efforts can we bring our dream to fruition. The Chinese Dream is not a flower reflected in a mirror or a moon reflected in water. It is not an empty slogan. The goal of the CPC corresponds to the people’s yearning for a better life and a brighter future.

解析     第一段中“在参观《复兴之路》展览时”为时间状语,根据英文开门见山提出重点信息的行文特点,将时间状语移至句尾,以突出重点信息“首次提出中国梦”。此外,根据下文可知,习主席并非简单提出“中国梦”一词,而是对其内涵进行了深刻阐释,因此译为first explained his vision of the Chinese Dream更贴切。
    “富强、振兴”都包含有“昌盛”的含义,prosperity意为“繁荣、昌盛”,翻译时,二者可用prosperity一词表示。prosperity and happiness即可将三个名词统一起来,之后再使用“bring…to”这个结构引出“our country, our nation and our people”,语言更有整体感,也体现出了“国家、民族、人民”之间的紧密联系。
    “中国梦归根到底是人民的梦”这句话与上句中的“也是每一个中国人的”形成衔接,且表达相同的意思,即It is a dream of our people,翻译时采用减译的方法,将之省略,无需赘述。
