
admin2021-02-24  38

问题     芦笛岩是桂林最精彩的岩洞。因洞口过去生长芦草用以做笛子而得名。它始发现于唐代,1959年以来被开辟为旅游胜地。洞内有许多钟乳石和石笋,形状奇异,在彩色灯光下,像珊瑚、琥珀和玉石。它们的形状有的像猛兽,有的像人物,有的如古老的大树,有的却似茂密的灌木丛。芦笛岩内有一个大洞,被称为水晶宫,能容纳一千人。传说洞内的石柱为海龙王的神针。地下通道通向一个平台,从平台外可以看到周围的山冈、农田和河流的全景。


答案 Reed Flute Cave is the most magnificent of all in Guilin. It derives its name from the reeds as its entrance, which was once used to make flutes. The cave was first discovered in the Tang Dynasty. Since 1959, it has been turned into a tourist attraction. Inside the cave there are many unusual stalactite and stalagmite formations, which resemble coral, amber and jade under colorful lights. Their shapes suggest images of old trees, dense shrubs, ferocious beasts and human forms. The cave has a vast grotto, known as Crystal Palace, capable of holding up to 1, 000 people. Legend has it that the stone pillar in the grotto is the Dragon King’s magic needle. The underground path opens out onto a terrace which affords a panoramic view of the surrounding mountains, farmland and river courses.

解析 背景介绍
-  芦笛岩是桂林最精彩的岩洞:  “芦笛岩”是景区的名字,在翻译时可以将其翻译成一一对应的英文,为了避免重复,可以将“岩”译成“岩洞”,如此一来,句式也更简洁。参考译文:Reed Flute Cave is the most magnificent of all in Guilin.
-  洞内有许多钟乳石和石笋,形状奇异,在彩色灯光下,像珊瑚、琥珀和玉石:这一句话句式较为松散,在翻译时可以采用合句的方法,将其整合成一个定语从句,使译文更加凝练,符合英文读者的阅读习惯。参考译文:Inside the cave there are many unusual stalactite and stalagmite formations,which resemble coral,amber and jade under colorful lights.
-  它们的形状有的像猛兽,有的像人物,有的如古老的大树,有的却似茂密的灌木丛:原文中的四个喻体是无序排列的,在翻译时,可以将这四个喻体稍加整理,按照从植物到动物再到人的顺序进行罗列。参考译文:Their shapes suggest images of old trees,dense shrubs,ferocious beasts and human forms.
-  芦笛岩内有一个大洞,被称为水晶宫,能容纳一千人:这里的“洞”,即水晶宫,具有其显著的特色,而grotto一词指吸引人的岩洞或洞穴,与“洞”所具备的含义相似。故译为:The cave has a vast grotto,known as Crystal Palace,capable of holding up to 1,000 people.
-  地下通道通向一个平台,从平台外可以看到周围的山冈、农田和河流的全景:在翻译这句话时,应先译中心词“全景”,即a panoramic view,再译其他补充修饰成分。参考译文:The underground path opens out onto a terrace which affords a panoramic view of the surrounding mountains,farmland and river courses.
