How to Select Travel Companions There is no more important decision or greater commitment in life than choosing the right tr

admin2018-08-12  29

问题     How to Select Travel Companions
    There is no more important decision or greater commitment in life than choosing the right traveling companion. Having a kid, getting married, rescuing a puppy, moving from Manhattan to Texarkana — these are all small potatoes compared to spending 10 days in Guadeloupe with a friend.
    Most people have a lot of friends, maybe even several tiers of friends. The A list, the B list, the ones who can drive, the ones who can find the exact right pair of jeans, the ones who have a lot of specialist doctors, the ones who can set up a tray of hors d’oeuvres in the shape of a pinwheel — but none are who you’d want to take on a trip. That takes a whole different list of criteria and it is all about Travel Compatibility.
    I’ve compiled a simple checklist of scenarios for you and your potential travel mate to consider. If you have fewer than four out of six questions in common, you may want to rethink your choice.
    Financial Compatibility: This is not just about having similar incomes, but also about the way you spend money. Here’s the scenario: You’ve been walking around Belize all day and are exhausted and a little bit lost. You see a bus stop that might take you near your hotel and you see a taxi that will cost big bucks but will certainly take you to your hotel. Are you going to splurge or save?
    Fitness: If you’re the kind of person who panics when your gym is closed on Christmas, you’ll want to make sure you’re both on the same page about fitness options. Here’s the scenario; You are at the Statue of Liberty and you have an option of walking up to her nose or taking a helicopter around it. Are you taking the easy way out?
    Eating and Drinking: This is one of the most crucial points, in my opinion. I need to eat in a timely fashion, and my personality suffers if I don’t. Because this one is more important than anything else, be honest with your answers to the following true-or-false questions: your trip depends on it.
    - I have frequently uttered the sentence, "I forgot to eat lunch!" True or False.
    - When given a choice between a boat ride down the Ganges or a breakfast buffet, I’d choose the buffet. True or False.
    - Sometimes I need a glass of wine, and when I say a glass, I mean a bottle. True or False.
    - I understand that some people shouldn’t be spoken to before they’ve had coffee. True or False.
    How You View Art: I’ve often impressed people with the speed by which I can get through an exhibit. In fact, I frequently find myself waiting for upwards of an hour at the gift shop at the end of a show — which is not a bad thing. You can tell what pieces were the most important by what’s on the T-shirts and mugs. Okay, there’s not really a scenario here. Just say "Do you like to spend hours looking at one painting?" and take it from there.
    Level of Comfort: This overlaps with many of the previous categories, but it is significant in its importance — or lack thereof. This is where you need to find out how your companion rates the things you consider non-negotiable in a hotel. Everyone’s list is different, but just to get you started, here’s mine:
    - Air-conditioning
    - WiFi
    - Room service
    - A minimum of three stars, no wait, four
    - Bonus for a stocked minibar
    Flexibility and Temperament; This last one encompasses all the categories. Some things to think about; How nuts do you get if everything doesn’t work out? Is the goal of your trip to enjoy yourself? If you desperately wanted a water view and you’re facing the airport, will you cry or appreciate that you’re getting to see an awful lot of planes take off? Or do you have a checklist of sites that you’d be devastated to miss? (You and your friend should be in sync. You can’t have two people panicking that the Pyramids are closing. )
    In the end, my advice is to go with your gut. And at the very least, know that you don’t want to travel with me.


答案 如何选择旅伴生命中,没什么决定比选择一个恰当的旅伴更重要了;没有什么约定比选择一个恰当的旅伴更重大了。结婚生子,抢救小狗,从曼哈顿搬家到德克萨肯纳——这些事情,比起和朋友去瓜德鲁普岛共度10天而言,都算是小事。 大多数人都会有很多朋友,甚至将朋友分为不同的级别。一级朋友、二级朋友、会开车的朋友、能准确找到牛仔裤的朋友、认识很多专科医生的朋友、能把开胃菜拼成纸风车形状的朋友等等——但其中没有一个是你想与之旅行的朋友。因为旅伴的选择标准截然不同,选择旅伴只关乎“旅行的匹配度”。 我列了一个简单的情景列表,供你和你未来的旅友考虑。如果六个问题中,你们能达成共识的不到四个,你们得重新考虑下自己的选择了。 经济匹配度:这不仅指你们的收入相当,还包括你们的消费方式。假设出现以下情景:你们已经在伯利兹走了一整天,疲惫不堪,还有点迷路。这时,看见一个公交车站,公交车也许可以把你们带到酒店附近。同时,还看见一辆出租车,坐出租车要花一大笔钱,但肯定能把你们载到酒店。那么,你是花钱如流水还是处处节俭呢? 健身:如果你看见自己常去的健身房,在圣诞节关了门就会惶恐不安,那么你就要确保你们在健身选择方面步调一致。假设出现以下情景:你们正站在自由女神像脚下,眼前摆着两个选择,一是步行走上去,直达女神鼻子的高度;二是搭乘直升飞机绕神像飞行——你会选择简单的方式吗? 饮食:在我看来,这是最关键的问题之一。我要准点吃饭,否则我就会发飙。吃饭比什么都重要。请如实作答下列的是非题,你的旅行全靠它了。 -我经常会说,“我忘记吃午饭了!”是还是不是? -如果有机会在乘船泛舟恒河和吃一顿自助早餐之间做选择,我会选择自助餐。是还 是不是? -有时候我需要一杯葡萄酒,当我说一杯的时候,我其实是想要一瓶。是还是不是? -我知道,有些人在喝完咖啡之后,才能和他们说话。是还是不是? 如何看待艺术:我观看展览的速度常常令人折服。事实上,我发现自己经常在展会终点的礼品店内等上一个多小时——这倒不是什么坏事,因为你可以从店里T恤和马克杯的图案上看出哪些展品是最重要的。好吧,这里根本没有什么情景假设。就问一句,“你喜欢花数小时盯着一幅画看吗?”据此就可以得出结论。 舒适度:这一点和前面几类有所重叠,但它意义重大——又或者没有任何意义。从这点中,对于你选定的酒店里不可或缺的舒适品,你要弄清楚你的旅伴会做何评价。每个人列出的舒适清单都不同。为了给你一些启发,我来列出我的舒适清单: -空调 -无线网络 -客房服务 -至少是三星级酒店。不,等等,至少四星…… -如果有供给充足的小酒吧,加分 灵活度和性情匹配度:最后这一条囊括了所有分类。考虑以下情况:如果诸事不顺,你会有多抓狂?你旅行的目的是为了玩得痛快吗?如果你很想看水景,但面前却是飞机场,你是会嚎啕大哭还是因为看到很多飞机起飞而心存感激?或者你是否有一张景点列表清单,万一错过这些景点,你会伤心欲绝?(这点你和你朋友必须保持一致。万一金字塔关闭,你俩都惊慌失措,这可万万不行。) 最后,我建议:大胆去玩。另外你至少得知道一点,那就是你不会想和我一起去。

