
admin2017-11-08  31

问题     关于大学的功能,人们的看法各不相同。有人觉得大学是一个给学生提供知识的平台,学生们获得的应该是更多的知识。而随着越来越多的大学毕业生面临严峻的就业形势,有人就认为大学应该从更现实的角度帮助学生就业。或许两种观点都有道理,但是很少有大学生真正想要挑战自己。


答案 With respect to functions of a university, opinions vary greatly. Some people hold that the university is a platform where students are entitled to obtain more knowledge. However, with the increasing number of college graduates facing to severe unemployment, some others argue that a university ought to be more realistic aiming at helping students find jobs. Perhaps both of these ideas make some sense, but few college graduates are eager to challenge themselves. No matter it comes to study or employment, students’ efforts and awareness really count. Those who are still lingering about function of a university seem unlikely to make any greater progress.

解析 1.关于大学的功能:“关于”一直是个热点词,可以直接翻译成about,concerning。如果翻译成with respect to,in respect of会更好。
2.人们的看法各不相同:几乎所有的学生都会翻译成different people have different ideas。但是很显然,命题者的意图并非是要看到这样的翻译结果,译出新意和变化才是关键。可以译成people’s opinions differ from one to another或opinions vary greatly。
可译为:The university can offer a platform,where students are entitled to obtain more knowledge.这样的结构是一个重要的考点,应予以重视。
4.随着越来越多的大学毕业生面临严峻的就业形势:这又是一个非常经典的句型,可把它翻译成:with an increasing number of college graduates facing to severe unemployment。这个句子最容易错译成:with an increasing number of students can’t find jobs。with结构后面应跟名词,再跟一个定语从句或者分词结构才是正确的。
5.或许两种观点都有道理:perhaps there is right things in these two ideas的译法显得水平较低,在四、六级考试中,无论是翻译还是写作,除非迫不得已,否则坚决不能用things这样的初级词汇。可翻译成:Perhaps there is an element of truth in both ideas或者both of these ideas make some sense.
6.无论学业还是就业:这里的“无论”是一个高频翻译短语,可译成no matter it comes to study or employment。
7.停留在……:这里用linger about非常理想,linger表示“逗留,不愿离开”。
