A study by Raymond Fisman and Edward Miguel, economists at Columbia University and the University of California, Berkeley, gives

admin2016-12-27  40

问题 A study by Raymond Fisman and Edward Miguel, economists at Columbia University and the University of California, Berkeley, gives a rare picture of how people from different cultures perform under new cultural norms. For instance, between 1997 and 2002 diplomats from Chad averaged 124 unpaid parking violations; diplomats from Canada and the United Kingdom had none. The results from 146 countries were strikingly similar to the Transparency International corruption index, which rates countries by their level of perceived sleaze. In the case of parking violations, diplomats from countries with low levels of corruption behaved well, even when they could get away with breaking the rules. The culture of their home country was imported to New York, and they acted accordingly.
The same applied to high-corruption countries. Their diplomats became increasingly comfortable with parking where they liked; as they spent more time in New York, their number of violations increased by 8-18%. Overall, diplomats accumulated 150,000 unpaid parking tickets during the five years under review.
Yet any moral superiority New Yorkers may feel should be tempered by the behavior of the American embassy in London. Last year, embassy staff stopped paying the congestion charge—now £8, or over $15—for bringing cars into central London. The growing pile of unpaid charges now stands at $716,000.(35%)


答案 哥伦比亚大学和加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的经济学家雷蒙德?费斯曼和爱德华?米盖尔进行了一项研究,该项研究罕见地展示了来自不同文化的人在新的文化准则下如何表现。例如,1997-2002年,乍得的外交官平均每年有124次未缴罚金的停车违规,而加拿大和英国的外交官一次也没有。对146个国家进行的研究结果与“透明国际”腐败指数惊人地相似,该指数根据各国腐败现状对其进行排名。就违规停车而言,即便存在侥幸逃脱违规处罚的可能性,但来自腐败程度较低的国家的外交官员仍然表现良好。他们将本国文化带入纽约,而且能够依此行事。 那些腐败程度较严重的国家也是如此。这些国家的外交官员在停车方面越来越随心所欲,想停哪里就停哪里。他们在纽约生活的时日越久,违规停车的次数也相应地增加了8%一18%。通过回顾调查,五年内外交官员未缴付的停车罚单总计达15万张。 不过,美国大使馆在伦敦的行为会让纽约人可能产生的任何道德优越感荡然无存。去年,使馆人员开车到伦敦市中心不再缴纳交通堵塞费(现为8英镑或超过15美元)。目前累计欠缴高达71.6万美元。

