外资与外贸 我们要扩大全方位主动开放。坚持积极有效利用外资,推动服务业扩大开放,打造内外资企业一视同仁、公平竞争的营商环境,使中国继续成为外商投资首选地。建设好、管理好中国上海自由贸易试验区,形成可复制可推广的体制机制,并开展若干新的试点。扩展内陆

admin2018-08-12  30

问题     外资与外贸


答案 Foreign Capital and Foreign Trade We will take the initiative to open China’s doors wider in all aspects. To make sure that China will continue to be a top destination for foreign investors, we will persist in making proactive and effective use of foreign capital, opening more service sectors to foreign investment, and providing a fair business environment where domestic and overseas companies can compete. We will make a success of the construction and administration of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zoneso as to develop a mechanism that can be reproduced elsewhere, and we will experiment with new models. We will also open the country’s interior and border regions to the rest of the world so as to convert these vast tracts of land into hot destinations for opening up. Strategically, we will export higher-quality/ more sophisticated products and develop a more balanced foreign trade. The growth rate of this year’s aggregate import and export values is expected to be about 7. 5%. We will try to stabilize and optimize our export policies to reform customs clearance and will conduct more pilot projects in cross-border e-commerce. To increase the importing of products that are in great demand in China, we will introduce policies that encourage imports. In order for "China-made" to enjoy a higher status in the international division of labor, the processing trades will be guided in their transformation and upgrading, enterprises will receive support in their effort to create Chinese brands and develop international marketing networks, and the service trades and outsourcing will be advanced. China will encourage the export of complete packages of large equipment in such areas as telecommunications, railroads and power stations, so that Chinese equipment will win worldwide recognition. China will sharpen its competitive edge by reaching out to the rest of the world in "going global". We will reform the management of investments overseas by practicing mainly the filing system and delegating much of the power of examination and approval to lower-level administrative departments. We will start a group of major projects and be better connected with neighboring countries in infrastructure to expand the space for international economic and technologicalpartnerships. We will make comprehensive plans for bilateral, multilateral and regional opening up and cooperation. We will press ahead with negotiations on service-trade agreements, government procurement agreements and IT agreements, and accelerate negotiations on new areas including environmental conservation and e-business. We will persistently promote the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment to realize multiple-wins for (both) China and other countries and to form a new pattern of beneficial interaction between opening up to the external world on the one hand and reform and development on the other.

