On Supporting Parents 关于赡养父母 Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the drawing. In your essay, you should 1)describe the draw

admin2015-04-21  30

问题 On Supporting Parents
Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the drawing. In your essay, you should
1)describe the drawing briefly,
2)interpret its intending meaning, and
3)give your comments.


答案 This picture vividly depicts the sad relationship between the father and his four children: the eldest son kicks out "the ball" — the father who is old and huddles up into a ball, and the others guard against their goals attentively. The picture illustrates in a sarcastic way the serious social problem of the youngsters’ ill-treating the aging and aged people. After bringing up their children, many parents grow weak physically and poor economically. However, as the society becomes more and more money-oriented, instead of taking good care of their parents, many young people turn to be so self-centered that they eagerly try to avoid their responsibility of supporting their parents, regarding them as a heavy load. It is high time that people in society made efforts to put an end to the disheartening phenomenon. By kicking the ball, the young set a bad example to the next generation, which will finally prevent our valuable traditional customs of respecting the elders from passing from one generation on to the next. Therefore, once the horrible "football game" is played, it is the grief not only of a family but also of the society. We should spare no efforts to ensure the well-being of the old. Only in this way can we keep our society stable and harmonious.

解析     这幅图刻画了一位老父亲蜷成球的形状,位于球场中间,四个儿女分守四方球门,一个个横眉怒目、严阵以待。标题中“足球赛”极具讽刺意味,揭露了儿女相互推卸责任、不尽养老义务的社会现象。根据这一思路,并按照题目要求,文章内容可安排如下:
