王教授: 为庆祝外语系成立30周年,系决定于“9月3日举行庆祝会”。我们热诚请您前来参加庆祝会。庆祝会将在外宾楼(Foreign Guest House)餐厅举行。时间定为9月2日,上午9点30分开始,下午4点结束。当日活动安排如下: 上午9点

admin2013-03-25  25

问题 王教授:
   为庆祝外语系成立30周年,系决定于“9月3日举行庆祝会”。我们热诚请您前来参加庆祝会。庆祝会将在外宾楼(Foreign Guest House)餐厅举行。时间定为9月2日,上午9点30分开始,下午4点结束。当日活动安排如下:
   上午9点30分至中午11点30分期间,系主任致欢迎辞,副主任将汇报我系所取得的成绩;中午12点至下午2点,午饭。下午2点至4点,在骑士俱乐部(Knight Club) 举行音乐茶话会。


答案Dear Professor Wang, To mark the establishment on the thirtieth anniversary of establishment of Foreign Department, the Department has arranged to sponsor an "September 3rd Celebration". You are cordially invited to join us in the celebration of this occasion. The program will he held in the celebration of Foreign Guest House, From 9:30a. m. to 4:30p. m., Sept. 2nd. The plan for the day is as follows: (1)9:30-11:00 The Dead of the Foreign Department will give a welcoming address. The Deputy Dean will report achievements of the Department. (2)12:00-1:30, Luncheon, Dining Hall. (3)2:00-4:00 p.m. Music and Talk at the Knight Club. Please let us know as soon as possible if you get the letter. Sincerely yours,

解析 这里将几件工作按(1)、(2)、(3)的顺序列出来要显得条理清楚些。
