A、The car is partly insured. B、The premium is $1000. C、The woman must buy it D、It fully covers accidents. A①由选项中的关键词insured,prem

admin2017-05-17  29

M: Good morning! How can I help you?
W: Good morning, [1]I’d like to make a booking for a car, please.
M: Can I get your name and home address, Ma’am?
W: Yes, Emily Thorne. No. 226, Lake Road, Richmond.
M: Please also tell me your phone number.
W: 64478266.
M: Do you have a driving license, Ma’am?
W: [2]I do. But it’s an American one. I haven’t had time to get that organized since I arrived here.
M: Well, I’m sorry, but you do need an Australian one [1]if you want to rent a car here.
W: Oh, [2]I also have an international license. That should be OK, shouldn’t it?
M: That’s great. Then I just need to see it when you pick up the car. Right, what kind of car do you have in mind?
W: We’re travelling to Sydney in several days. There will not be a lot of luggage but my husband and two children are going with me.
M: I see. Where do you want to pick up the car? We have two branches in this city.
W: No, we are going to Sydney by plane. I’d like to pick it up from the airport.
M: Certainly! At approximately what time?
W: Let me think. Um... The plane is supposed to land at 5 p.m., [3]and after we get our luggage and find a place to have supper. I’d say we want to pick up the car at around 7.
M: All right. I’ll see to it that the car you need is available for you then. And do you have some other special requirements? GPS or CD players, for example?
W: Thanks for bringing it up. We have separate GPS equipment, so it is not necessary. We also have an MP3 player, so the CD player is also not that important. Right, [4]I have a two-year-old boy. He needs a child’s seat Can you organize that?
M: Certainly. I’ll make sure there’s a child’s seat in the car for you.
W: What about insurance? Is the car fully insured?
M: [5]You’re partially covered, which means you will have to pay the first $1000 of any repairs. We do recommend that you take out an extra cover in case you have an accident, but it’s totally up to you.
W: In that case... I guess I’d better have the extra insurance.
M: Great. I’ll take care of that for you, too.
W: Thank you. By the way, I’m thinking about driving back after the trip. Can I return the car to this branch?
M: Yes, Ma’am. You can return it to any branch of our company.
1. Why is the woman talking to the man?
2. What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?
3. What does the woman plan to do in the airport before picking up the car?
4. What special equipment does the woman ask for?
5. What does the man say about the insurance?

选项 A、The car is partly insured.
B、The premium is $1000.
C、The woman must buy it
D、It fully covers accidents.


解析 ①由选项中的关键词insured,premium,buy可知本题与保险相关。②女士问车子是否有全保(fully insured),男士说是部分投保(partially covered),A项中的partly insured是同义替换,为正确答案。③男士说只要修车,女士首先得付1000美元,因此B“保险费是1000美元”张冠李戴。男士建议女士额外投保意外事故,但决定权完全在她(totally up to you),故C“女士必须要买”和D“对意外事故全保”不对。
