A、Choosing art as a major takes a risk. B、Mrs. Harris thinks art schools are hard to enter for. C、The entry qualifications of co

admin2017-03-07  23

Mrs. Harris has come to see the headmaster of her son’s school to ask his advice about her son’s further education.
M: Good morning. Mrs. Harris. Do sit down. I understand you’d like to have a word with me about William.
W: Yes, that’s right, headmaster. I hope I should see you as soon as possible before William does anything he’ll regret.
M: Regret? Mrs. Harris?
W: Well, you see, he has his heart set on becoming an artist. My husband and I think he ought to take up something more secure. I mean even if he went to art school, there would be no guarantee that he could get a good job afterwards.
M: He could probably teach, Mrs. Harris.
W: He wouldn’t like that. He says he wouldn’t be a teacher if it were the last job on earth. Oh, ha, beg your pardon, headmaster, I didn’t mean...
M: Not at all, Mrs. Harris. I wouldn’t have been a teacher myself if I’d had my way. I’d have been an actor if my parents had let me. So I have some sympathy with William’s problems. Now, let’s see, if he wants to be an artist, he’ll have to decide what sort of artist he wants to be.
W: I don’t quite follow you, headmaster.
M: Well, choosing a major can be a tricky endeavor that requires a great deal of planning. What I mean is if he wants to be a commercial graphic artist or cartoonist, that sort of thing, he might do very well if he took an art course at a technical college. And besides, the entry qualifications wouldn’t be so stiff. On the other hand, if he wants to go to one of the major art schools, you’d better not raise his hopes too high. There’s a good deal of competition to get accepted. And he’d have to have at least three O levels and two A’s at good grades before he’d even be considered. Oh, and there is another thing, he’d have to do a year’s foundation course first, probably at another college. He’d get a grant of course, provided he’d got the right O’s and A’s. W: But art, headmaster, it’s so chancy.
M: I don’t think you should stand in his way, Mrs. Harris. If I were you, I’d let him decide himself. You’d better accept the fact that nowadays young people don’t worry about security the way we did when we were young. Hobbies are often a predictor of what one should choose as his major. It is great that your son starts identifying his passions.
1. What is the purpose of Mrs. Harris’ visit to the headmaster?
2. What did the headmaster set heart on when he was young?
3. According to the headmaster, what do we learn about major art schools?
4. According to the headmaster, what do nowadays young people like?
5. What can we learn from this part of the conversation?

选项 A、Choosing art as a major takes a risk.
B、Mrs. Harris thinks art schools are hard to enter for.
C、The entry qualifications of colleges are tough.
D、Going to art schools requires 3 A’s and 2 O’s.


解析 对话开头Mrs.Harris就担心儿子选择艺术专业会找不到安稳的工作,校长介绍专业艺术院校的情况后,她更加觉得选择艺术专业很冒险(so chancy)。A项的take a risk是其同义替换,为答案。C错在把major art schools放宽到colleges了。
