In this section of the test, you will be asked to speak about a personal opinion. You will need to answer the question by suppor

admin2013-04-25  17

    In this section of the test, you will be asked to speak about a personal opinion. You will need to answer the question by supporting your opinion with examples. After the question, you will have 15 seconds to prepare and 45 seconds to speak.
    If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why? Please include specific examples and details in your response.


答案 If I could live anywhere in the world, I would choose to live in Tuscany. It’s a region of Italy, which is famous for its vineyards and hill towns. I really like the rolling hills. Depending on the time of year you visit, the hillsides are red with poppies, green with vines, or yellow with sunflowers. And I love the long history of the place. Where I come from, we are proud of our long national history. It’s interesting to compare our own history and theirs. So I really enjoy the sense of time that the medieval towns and villages hold. That way, I would be close enough to visit the markets and shops, but I also would be able to enjoy the peaceful countryside.

解析     这是独立型题目的第一种题型。比起口语部分的其他题型,这种题型允许考生自由地表达自己的想法。可能有些考生会觉得比较简单,其实正因如此,答案也会比较宽泛,难以抓住主题。所以,即使对口语很有把握,也需要对这部分进行充分的准备。如果用母语来回答这一主题,大家会流利地脱口而出吗?在规定的时间里把自己的想法有条理地表达出来,无论是用母语还是用外语都不是件容易的事。因此,多加练习是非常重要的。可以准备各种主题反复练习表达自己的观点。如果能够组成小组来练习,效果会更好。
    1. vineyards, hill towns—poppies, vines,sunflowers (comparison: color)
    2. history—medieval towns, villages (comparison: my hometown)
    3. want to live—countryside (advantage: market, shops but peaceful)
    在记录某个概念或者细节的时候,没有必要在乎语法和单词的准确性,只要自己能随时理解意思并判断出其相关的内容就可以。实际上,像上面那样做记录也是不太现实的,有时候可以用一些简单的缩写或者符号,例如:comparison写成comp. ,advantage写成ad.。但是这样的词也不需要提前定好了记住,而是在做笔记的过程中认识到其必要性后创造出来使用的。
