The free market economy is no doubt the primary stimulus that has led to the United States’ dominance in the world economic comm

admin2011-03-14  27

问题     The free market economy is no doubt the primary stimulus that has led to the United States’ dominance in the world economic community. By naturally rewarding those producers that excel, excellence is actively encouraged and those that inefficiently produce goods or services are eliminated; thus, the economy becomes a self-sustaining and self-maintaining machine, consistently and constantly achieving the best possible result.
    The free market economy is entirely based on the principle of supply and demand. Under this concept, consumers decide for themselves which companies will stay in business, voting with their dollars by spending on those businesses they consider most worthy. By doing so, those companies that are best liked, or most in demand, are granted the privilege of supplying the goods and services that consumers pay for. In that sense, efficiency is achieved. For those companies that best perform to the expectations of consumers are left prosperous in the market, while their less efficient counterparts simply die out of the market, starved of the dollars of consumers who simply prefer not to buy their products.


答案 毫无疑问,自由市场经济是促使美国取得世界经济领域优势地位的主要促进因素。通过自然而然地奖励那些出类拔萃的制造商,优秀得到了积极的鼓励,而那些生产商品或提供服务效率低下的制造商则被淘汰了;因此,经济就成为一台能自我维持、自我维修的机器,始终如一地取得可能的最好结果。 自由市场经济完全建立在供需原则的基础之上。根据这一概念,消费者自行决定哪些公司将继续在商界生存,他们通过把钱花在那些他们认为最值得的企业身上来表示对它们的支持。通过这种方式,那些最受欢迎的或者人们最需要的企业就获得了为消费者提供所需商品和服务的特权。这样,效率才得以实现。那些最好地满足了消费者期望的企业在市场上获得了繁荣,而那些效率较低的同行则从市场上消失了,这是由于消费者完全不情愿购买它们的产品,使得它们陷入缺少资金的困境.

