中国经济已经出现了明显的结构改善的迹象。一方面,贸易顺差(trade surplus)出现了明显的而且是持续的下降,其主要原因不是出口的放缓,而是进口的加速;另一方面,居民消费占GDP的比重并不像统计所说的持续下降,而是从2007年开始就持续上升。这些

admin2021-05-28  46

问题   中国经济已经出现了明显的结构改善的迹象。一方面,贸易顺差(trade surplus)出现了明显的而且是持续的下降,其主要原因不是出口的放缓,而是进口的加速;另一方面,居民消费占GDP的比重并不像统计所说的持续下降,而是从2007年开始就持续上升。这些结构调整方面的明显改进并不是具体政策调整所带来的,而应归功于市场,是市场的力量推动结构调整。中国经济应该坚定不移地沿着市场化(marketization)的方向走下去。


答案  It is shown that the structure of the Chinese economy has been obviously improved. For one thing, its trade surplus has declined dramatically and continuously. The primary reason is not the slowdown in the export but the acceleration of import. For another, the proportion of residents’ consumption to GDP does not keep declining as statistics show, but has kept rising since 2007. The obvious improvement of structure adjustment comes up owing to the market rather than some specific policy adjustments. It is the power of the market that promotes structure adjustment. The Chinese economy should unswervingly go on the path of marketization.

解析       1.第一句可译为主从复合句,从句可用现在完成时,叙述一个已经发生的事实。为满足句子结构的需要,翻译“明显的”时,可采用转译法,译为副词obviously。
      2.第二句中,“一方面……;另一方面……”可用For one thing……For another……来表达。这里不可以用On the one hand……On the other hand……,因为这个结构通常用来对比两种不同的观点。
      3.最后一句中,“坚定不移地”可译为unswervingly,也可以译为firmly;“沿着市场化的方向走下去”可译为go on the path of marketization,使句子生动、具体。
