New York blends the gift of privacy with the excitement of participation; and better than most dense communities, it succeeds in

admin2019-03-20  46

问题     New York blends the gift of privacy with the excitement of participation; and better than most dense communities, it succeeds in insulating the individual (if he wants it, and almost everybody wants or needs it) against all enormous and violent and wonderful events that are taking place every minute. A man shot and killed his wife in a fit of jealousy. It caused no stir outside his block and got only small mention in the papers. I did not attend. Since my arrival, the greatest air show ever staged in all the world took place in town. I didn’t attend and neither did most of the eight million other inhabitants, although they say there was quite a crowd. I didn’t even hear any planes except a couple of westbound commercial airliners that habitually flying over past the hotel room I lived in. The biggest oceangoing ships on the North Atlantic arrived and departed. I didn’t notice them and neither did most other New Yorkers. I am told this is the greatest seaport in the world, with 650 miles of waterfront, and ships calling here from many exotic lands, but the only boat I’ve happened to notice since my arrival was a small sloop going out of the East River night before last on the ebb tide when I was walking across the Brooklyn Bridge. I heard the Queen Mary blow one midnight, though, and the sound carried the whole history of departure and longing and loss.


答案 纽约把离群索居的礼物和亲历参与的激动混合在一起。比之大多数人口密集的社区,纽约更能使个人(只要你愿意,而几乎每个人都愿意并需要这样)与外界每一分钟发生的所有群众场 面、残忍暴行、精彩表演完全绝缘。一男子因妒生狂,枪杀了妻子。在其所居的社区外,这事竟没有引起多大动静,报纸报道也不多。我没去赶热闹,我是说打我来此,世界上最为壮观的飞行表演在纽约举行,我没去观摩,800万居民中的多数人也没去,尽管据说观众人数不少。我甚至没听见飞机的轰鸣,除去按常例从这儿通风井上空飞过的一两次西去的商业航班。几艘北大西洋最大的海轮抵港复离港。我根本未予注意,大多数其他纽约人也是这样。别人告诉我这儿可是全世界最大的海港,滨水码头区长达650英里,从许多域外异国驶来的航船在此停泊。不过,打我来此,只留意过一艘小小的单桅帆船。前天夜里退潮时我走过布鲁克林大桥,碰巧看到它抢风驶出东河。不过,某日午夜,我听到“玛丽女王号”邮轮拉响汽笛,那声音承载了一整部讲述别离、思念和伤逝的历史。

解析     本文选自美国著名散文家、幽默作家、诗人和讽刺作家E.B.White(E·B·怀特)最知名的散文集Here Is New York(《这儿是纽约》)中的同名散文。文中对纽约的生活做了细致人微的描述,展现了纽约人的生活方式,体现了那里的人生百态,充满了质朴真实的生活气息。文章语言通俗简练,幽默诙谐,展现了独特的行文风格,翻译时要注意把握原文的风格和韵味,在用词、句式和整体结构上保持一致。
