Complete the notes below. Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. Points that Louise makes about Eurail: easy

admin2011-02-08  38

问题     Complete the notes below.
    Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
    Points that Louise makes about Eurail:
    easy to travel to small towns
    easy to meet【5】
    【6】 with times of the trains
    night-trains had many【7】as passengers
    Advice that Louise gives about Eurail:
    Don’t take【8】bags.
    Be【9】with your belongings.
    Spend enough time in each country to experience【10】.
Kerry   What was the best part of your trip?
Louise   The trains really gave us the freedom to plan our own holiday. We went to lots of places
      which were out-of-the-way and met lots of local people-you know, small rural towns
      where trains are still an important form of transport.
Kerry   We’d like to meet the local people-did you do that easily?
Louise   Yes, the trains in Europe aren’t like the commuter trains in London. People like to
      talk and have a chat on trains in Europe.
Kerry   That’s nice.
Louise   Yes. The train times were OK as well. Sometimes we had to get up early to catch
      the trains which were crossing into another country but most of the time, we were
      satisfied with the timetables. Very punctual.
Kerry   Should we take an alarm clock?
Louise   Well, I would. Having an alarm clock made us sleep more comfortably. We knew
      that we’d wake up on time.
Kerry   And were the trains safe-did you travel at night?
Louise   Lots of students travelled at night because it saved having to pay for accommodation.
Kerry   I hadn’t thought of that.
Louise   Well, lots of others have thought of it. We preferred to stay in local pubs or student
      hostels because you could mix with the locals. The night trains were filled with
      British students!
Kerry   It sounds as if you had a very positive experience. Is there anything you’d
      recommend we take or do?
Louise   Let me see-I can certainly tell you what not to take or do. Don’t take much
      luggage. There just isn’t very much room in the trains for big suitcases. A backpack
      or two small bags is better than one big bag. That way you can also get on and off
      the trains easily too.
Kerry   I’ll remember that. My mother always says to pack one week before you go on
      vacation and then take half of it out the night before you leave.
Louise   That’s good advice-especially when you’re tiding on cramped trains. The other
      thing is to be careful with your valuables. Lots of students had money and passports
      stolen-especially at night.
Kerry   Did you have anything stolen?
Louise   No but we met lots of people who did have things stolen. We all had money belts
      under our jackets.
Kerry   I’ll have to buy one of those.
Louise   Yes, you should-or you can borrow mine if you like.
Kerry   Oh thanks-that’d be good.
Louise   The only other thing I’d advise you to do is to make sure you spend a reasonable
      amount of time in each country. We found that lots of students travelled too quickly
      and they didn’t have enough time to meet the locals and enjoy the food and the
Kerry   How long do you think you need in each country?
Louise   I can’t say-it’ll depend on who you meet and what you like to do and of course, the
      weather. It was so warm and sunny in some beach-side places that we stayed for four
      or five days. In other towns, if it was very quiet or boring, we just stayed overnight.
Kerry   I guess that’s what’s great about the train. You can come and go as you please.
Louise   Exactly-and it’s cheaper and much more relaxing-not to mention safer-I don’t
      think I could get used to driving on the tight-hand-side of the road!


答案(British) students

