
admin2017-11-20  50

问题     面对当前错综复杂的国际形势,中国将一如既往坚持走和平发展道路,坚持与邻为善、以邻为伴的周边外交方针,与各国一道促进地区和平与繁荣。今年以来,我们坚持稳中求进、稳中有为,通过深化改革、调整结构,使中国经济呈现稳中向好的走势,市场和社会对未来发展的预期稳定向上。我们不仅有能力完成今年经济社会发展预期目标,而且有条件实现今后经济持续健康发展,这将为泰国等东南亚国家提供更多的发展机遇。


答案 In the face of the complex international situation, China will keep to the path of peaceful development, adhere to the foreign policy of building friendships and partnerships with our neighbors and work with other countries for regional peace and prosperity. This year, China has worked vigorously for economic progress while maintaining stability and achieving steady growth through reform and structural adjustment, shoring up market and public expectations about China’s future development. We have not only the ability to meet our economic and social development goals for this year, but also the conditions to achieve sustained and sound economic growth. This will create even more opportunities for the development of Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries. China-Thailand cooperation has entered a fast lane, and China-Thailand friendship has taken deep roots in the hearts of our people and is reflected in every aspect of their exchanges. I am confident that with even closer exchanges, China-Thailand good-neighborliness and friendship will continue to move ahead like the Yangtze River and the Chao Phraya River. Our all-round and mutually beneficial cooperation will embrace an even brighter future. And our two countries will become even closer to each other.

