雨后,韭菜叶上还往往带着雨时溅起的泥点。青菜摊子上的红红绿绿几乎有诗似的美丽。果子有不少是由西山与北山来的,西山的沙果,海棠,北山的黑枣,柿子,进了城还带着一层白霜儿呀!哼,美国的槽子包着纸;遇到北平的带霜儿的玉李,还不愧杀! 是的.北平是个都城,而能

admin2013-05-20  40

问题   雨后,韭菜叶上还往往带着雨时溅起的泥点。青菜摊子上的红红绿绿几乎有诗似的美丽。果子有不少是由西山与北山来的,西山的沙果,海棠,北山的黑枣,柿子,进了城还带着一层白霜儿呀!哼,美国的槽子包着纸;遇到北平的带霜儿的玉李,还不愧杀!


答案The city of Beiping brings its residents into closer contact with nature by growing flowers, vegetables and fruit in large quantities. The city proper is not plagued by factory chimneys such as you find in London giving off volumes of smoke all day long. On the outskirts of the city lie numerous flower gardens, vegetable farms and villages. An ancient Chinese poet by the name of Tan Yuanming says aptly in one of his famous poems, "Plucking chrysanthemums under the eastern hedge, I calmly view the southern hills." To adapt it to life in Beiping, I might as well substitute the word "western" or "northern" for the word "southern" in the line. Beiping is probably the only place for a man of limited means like me to live an easy and carefree life in.

解析   汉语常把对主要事件的解释或说明放在句子前面,与之相反,英语却喜欢将重要事件或焦点信息放在句子前面。有鉴于此,此句将“这就使人更接近了自然”作为主要意义翻译到译文的谓语中,用by引导介词短语表示使人更接近自然的根由。
  翻译中的理解释义是非常重要的步骤。本句中的“里面”指城市本身,故译为the city proper;“外面”指郊区,译为 on the outskirts,较为贴切。“没有”在此语境中的意义被理解引申为没有烦扰,选用be plagued by转泽,英释 to cause trouble or difficulty to sb./sth.。
  本句与陶渊明诗句“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”形成互文关系,让人联想起原诗中所描写的幽美淡远的景及诗人要表达的悠然自得的情。在翻译时增补了“all ancient Chinese poet by the name of Tao Yuanming”等相关信息。
  “也没有多少了不得的吧”,口语味道十足。联系前文是说,要描写北平的生活,将陶渊明的诗稍作改动,大概既不会损坏原诗,也不会冒犯作者吧。选择“might as well”(in the circumstances,no harm will come from doing sth.),并增加“to adapt it to life in Beiping”来翻译这一层意思是准确合适的。
  “享清福”是汉语习惯用语,可译为live an easy and carefree life 或 live in quiet comfort。句末的介词in是不能不用的,否则语法就有错了。
