
admin2010-06-18  45

问题    近年来,由于就业问题日益严重,有些人建议让没有工作的未婚妇女来替换那些家务繁重的女工。有些当丈夫的还说:“让我们的爱人回家去,把她们的工资拿来贴补我们。我们从家务琐事中解放出来,工作就能干得更好。”有些有工作的母亲力图一面搞好家务,一面做好工作。她们也附和着说:“我想,为了丈夫和孩子的前途,我应放弃自己的事业。”


答案 In recent years, as job problems became serious, some people suggested replacing women workers who have heavy family burdens with unemployed unmarried women. Some husbands added, "Send our wives home and subsidize us with their wages. When we are freed of household chores, we can do better at our jobs." Trying to juggle home duties and work, some working mothers echoed this, "I think I should give up my own career for the sake of my husband’s and of my child, s future. " Strongly opposing these views, the All-China National Women’s Federation wrote to the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Committee, "Women workers have become an indispensable part of the work force. Sending them home will only weaken the drive to modernize China and the cause of women’s emancipation. The solution to the job problem is to expand production to create new jobs."

