
admin2013-06-12  55

问题     姚明今天已是一名优秀的球星,可当初他的追求目标却不是拿冠军、去NBA、当球星。他那玩命的训练,奋勇的拼搏,只是为了有一双合脚的鞋子,让全家人不再为他穿鞋而发愁。也许姚明如此简单的目标让人感到不可思议,但正是这看似简单的目标成就了他今天的辉煌。他认真实际地确定着自己人生每一阶段的追求目标。并不断地去实现它,超越它。回首人生旅途中那许许多多被人们抛弃的未竟事业和目标,我们再一次反思姚明:要想走路,先得拥有一双合脚的鞋子,还得一步步地走。


答案 Today Yao Ming is a great basketball star. Back then, however, his dream was not championship, NBA, or stardom. He trained risking his life and struggled hard, all for a pair of shoes that would fit his feet, merely to relieve his parents of their worry about his shoes. Such a simple goal may seem utterly unimaginable for a star like Yao. Yet it was exactly this seemingly simple stimulus that prompted Yao to achieve today’s glory. He earnestly and realistically sets the goal for every stage of his life and spares no effort to reach it, and to surpass it. If we take a look at those abandoned causes and goals along many people’s life journeys, we should remind ourselves of Yao: travelers first need a fitting pair of shoes, and then take one firm step at a time towards their goals.

解析 1.第一句根据意群可分泽。其中“一名优秀的球星”根据背景知识,我们应该把信息补充完全,翻译成篮球巨星a great basketball star。
2.第二句中“他那玩命的训练,奋勇的拼搏”可译为He trained risking his life and struggled hard。
3.第二句中“只是为了……,让……”,为了加强语气和气势,最好用all for…,merely to的结构来体现。
4.第气句中“但正是这看似简单的目标成就了他今天的辉煌”需要注意的是,这里“看似”一定要译出来,因为作者其实在强调这并不简单。“目标”在这里就是激励他奋发的东西,故译为Yet it was exactly this seemingly simple stimulus that prompted Yao to achieve today’s glory。
5.第六句中“人生旅途”译为people’s life journeys,生动形象,容易理解。
6.“一步步地走”是表层意思,其真正意思是“朝着目标。步伐坚定地一个一个地去实现”,故译为take one firm step at a time towards their goals。
