Women are moody. By evolutionary design, we are hard-wired to be sensitive to our environments, empathic to our children’ s need

admin2017-11-19  30

问题     Women are moody. By evolutionary design, we are hard-wired to be sensitive to our environments, empathic to our children’ s needs and intuitive of our partners’ intentions. This is basic to our survival and that of our offspring. Some research suggests that women are often better at articulating their feelings than men because as the female brain develops, more capacity is reserved for language, memory, hearing and observing emotions in others.
    These are observations rooted in biology, not intended to mesh with any kind of pro- or anti-feminist ideology. But they do have social implications. Women’s emotionality is a sign of health, not disease; it is a source of power. But we are under constant pressure to restrain our emotional lives. We have been taught to apologize for our tears, to suppress our anger and to fear being called hysterical.
    The pharmaceutical industry plays on that fear, targeting women in a barrage of advertising on daytime talk shows and in magazines. More Americans are on psychiatric medications than ever before, and in my experience they are staying on them far longer than was ever intended. Sales of antidepressants and antianxiety meds have been booming in the past two decades, and they’ve recently been outpaced by an antipsychotic, Ability, that is the No. 1 seller among all drugs in the United States, not just psychiatric ones.
    At least one in four women in America now takes a psychiatric medication, compared with one in seven men. Women are nearly twice as likely to receive a diagnosis of depression or anxiety disorder than men are. For many women, these drugs greatly improve their lives. But for others they aren’t necessary. The increase in prescriptions for psychiatric medications, often by doctors in other specialties, is creating a new normal, encouraging more women to seek chemical assistance. Whether a woman needs these drugs should be a medical decision, not a response to peer pressure and consumerism.
    Obviously, there are situations where psychiatric medications are called for. The problem is too many genuinely ill people remain untreated, mostly because of socioeconomic factors. People who don’t really need these drugs are trying to medicate a normal reaction to an unnatural set of stressors: lives without nearly enough sleep, sunshine, nutrients, movement and eye contact, which is crucial to us as social primates.
It can be inferred from the last paragraph that______.

选项 A、psychiatric medications are not important
B、many really ill people are not anxious to buy psychiatric medications
C、many people need psychiatric medications for excitement
D、human beings need some outdoor and social activities


解析 根据题干关键词定位到文章最后一段。由第三句“那些并非真正需要这些药物的人,则试图通过服药,让自己对一系列反常的压力来源做出正常的反应,诸如严重缺乏睡眠、阳光、营养、运动和眼神接触——这对人类这种社会性灵长目动物至关重要”可推断出,人类需要一定的户外与社会活动,故D项为正确答案。A项“精神药物是不重要的”,B项“许多真正有病的人不急于购买精神药物”,C项“许多人为了刺激而需要精神药物”,均与原文不符,故排除。
