Gentlemen do not just prefer blondes, but lighter-skinned women in general, a study has suggested. Scientists looking into att

admin2011-02-11  36

问题   Gentlemen do not just prefer blondes, but lighter-skinned women in general, a study has suggested.
  Scientists looking into attractiveness in men and women suggest that men from all races find fairer-skinned woman most alluring, while women are the polar opposite and favor darker, brooding men.
  They said the attraction is driven by preferences based on moral assumptions. Men are subconsciously attracted to fairer-skinned icons because of the skin tone’s association with innocence, purity, modesty, virginity, vulnerability and goodness. Women, on the other hand, pick men with darker complexions because these are associated with sex, virility, mystery, villainy and danger.
  Academics at the University of Toronto in Canada say their study proves the fair maiden of myth has a basis in scientific reality. They studied more than 2,000 advertising photographs and found that the skin of white women was 15.2 per cent lighter than the skin of white males, and the skin of black women 11.1 per cent lighter than the skin of black men.


答案科研人员对男性和女性的吸引力特征进行探究后发现①,所有种族的男性都认为肤色较浅的女性最具吸引力,而女性的观点则正好相反,她们更青睐肤色黝黑的深沉男士②。 研究人员称,这种喜好取决于对异性的“道德假定”③偏好。男性潜意识里更青睐皮肤白皙的女明星,因为这种肤色④让人联想到天真、单纯、端庄、纯洁、柔弱和善良。然而,女性则更青睐肤色较深的男性,因为这样的肤色给人性感、阳刚、神秘、邪恶和危险的感觉。 加拿大多伦多大学的研究人员称,他们的研究证明传说中的窈窕淑女⑤有现实的科学依据。他们对2000张广告照片进行了研究,发现白人女性的肤色白皙度比男性高15.2%,黑人女性的肤色白皙度比男性高11.1%。

解析   原文suggest在这里理解为“表明”(indicate),不是“建议”的意思,引申翻译为“发现”。
  为了明晰、便于参照或符合汉语习惯等而给译文的个别词语加引号,以表示重要概念,如此处将moral assumptions直译为“道德假定”并加上引号。
  用“传说中的窈窕淑女”翻译the fair maiden of myth,既扩充了原文的语义,又增添了泽语的文采。
