"Do not write on the walls, " reads the message on a Renaissance stone wall in the cathedral on Florence’s central square. U

admin2022-10-09  45

问题     "Do not write on the walls, " reads the message on a Renaissance stone wall in the cathedral on Florence’s central square.
    Unfortunately, the instruction, scrawled in black marker, was the defiant graffiti of a visitor who had decided to mock the plastic sign just above it by saying the same thing.
    The official missive, on a wall at the end of a steep staircase leading up to the dome of the Santa Maria del Fiore cathedral, better known as the Duomo, had clearly failed in its mission.
    For years, officials in Florence have tried to discourage visitors from around the world from using this city’s old stone walls as a time capsule for such musings. But the human urge to generate graffiti, it seems, is a powerful instinct, difficult to tame.
    So the officials have decided to try a digital solution to their age-old problem, starting with Giotto’s bell tower, the Campanile.
    Having finally cleaned up all the walls along the 414-step climb to the bell tower earlier this year, officials have placed three tablets there, hoping visitors will leave their marks, virtually, without damaging the monument itself.
    Messages will be stored on a website and archived, for eternity, online.
    Any other mark will be removed swiftly, a large billboard at the entrance of the bell tower explains in both Italian and English.
    "We needed something to act as a deterrent against new graffiti, once all the walls were clean, and we hope that this app will do that, " said Alice Filipponi, the social media strategist at an institution that oversees Florence’s Duomo complex.
    "Our goal was to let people leave their testimony without smearing the walls again, " Filipponi said.
    In the first three days of their experiment, there were more than 3,000 visitors, 304 digital messages—and no new graffiti scrawls.
    With virtual graffiti, visitors can select the background they want to write on: wood or marble, iron or plaster—like that found in the monument. Then, with their tool of choice, from lipstick to spray paint, they are able to use their fingertips to etch symbols, names and messages.
    "Whether we manage to educate people remains to be seen, " said the institution’s president, Franco Lucchesi. "But as of now, our Internet is full of messages, and the walls are not.
    We can therefore say that it’s working."
    Some have confessed to their misdeeds. Lucchesi recalls the "pilgrimages" of a Japanese class coming to apologize for the damage done by students—three years in a row.
    The fact that the monument is so clean also helps, " said Laura Bachmann, a 21-year-old from Germany who was visiting Florence with a friend. "None dares to be the first one to dirty it up."
    To the experts, that cleanness is the main deterrent. "Vandals do it where everyone can see their mark. Unfortunately, I fear it’s not a tablet that can prevent recidivism, " Andrea Amato, president of Italy’s National Anti-Graffiti Association, said about the effort in Florence. "Entire walls available for graffiti writers have not impeded them to dirty up elsewhere."
    He added: "But it’s important that we don’t abandon our monuments to degradation. If we clean them, it’s psychologically harder for people to smear them up again. "


答案 在佛罗伦萨中心广场大教堂里,一面文艺复兴时期的石墙上写着:“勿乱涂乱画”。 但令人沮丧的是,这是一位游客用黑色马克笔潦草书写的涂鸦,他用这种挑衅的方式来嘲讽其上方写着同样一句话的塑料指示牌。 这条官方标语挂在通往圣母百花大教堂(Santa Maria del Fiore cathedral)穹顶的陡峭阶梯尽头的墙上。这座教堂更广为人知的名字是佛罗伦萨主教堂(Duomo),但标语显然没有完成它的使命。 多年来,佛罗伦萨的官员一直试图阻止来自世界各地的游客把这座城市的古老石墙当作时间胶囊来记录他们的冥思随想,但人类对涂鸦的热衷似乎是一种强大的本能,难以驯服。 因此,官员们决定从乔托(Giotto)的钟楼(Campanile)开始,尝试利用数字技术来解决这个由来已久的问题。 今年早些时候。在将通往钟楼414级阶梯两侧的墙壁清理干净后,官员们在那里放置了3块平板电脑,希望游客在不破坏钟楼的前提下留下虚拟旅行印记。 这些信息将存储在网站上,并永久存档。 钟楼入口处的一个大告示牌上用意大利语和英语写道:“任何其他标记都将被迅速清除”。 “一旦所有的墙壁都被清理干净,我们需要一些东西来杜绝新涂鸦的出现,希望这个应用程序能够做到这一点。”阿莉塞.菲利波尼说,她是一家监管佛罗伦萨主教堂建筑群机构的社交媒体策略师。 “我们的目标是让人们在不弄脏墙壁的情况下留下印记,”菲利波尼说。 在他们试验的头三天里,有3,000多名游客,304条数字信息,而且没有新的涂鸦。 借助虚拟涂鸦,游客可以选择书写的背景:木头、大理石、铁或灰泥,这些都是古迹会用到的材质。然后,他们从口红到喷漆等一系列工具中选择他们要运用的涂鸦工具,用指尖在屏幕上画上符号、书写名字和信息。 “我们是否成功地进行了公众教育还有待观察。”该机构的主席佛朗哥.卢凯西(Franco Lucchesi)说,“但到目前为止,我们的网络上充满了信息,而墙壁上却没有,这就说明电子涂鸦墙正在发挥作用。” 有些人已经为他们的不文明行为忏悔。卢凯西回忆起一个日本班级的“朝圣之旅”,他们连续3年来到这里为学生们造成的破坏表达歉意。 21岁的劳拉.巴赫曼(Laura Bachmann)来自德国,她和一个朋友正在佛罗伦萨旅游。她说:“古迹如此干净的事实也在起着作用,没人敢第一个把它弄脏。” 对涂鸦专家来说,干净的古迹是阻止他们乱涂乱画的主要因素。“那些破坏分子会在所有人都能看到的地方涂鸦。遗憾的是,我担心平板电脑并不能使他们摒弃恶习。”意大利国家反涂鸦协会 (National Anti-Graffiti Association)主席安德里亚.阿马托(Andrea Amato)谈到佛罗伦萨做出的努力时说:“哪怕有整面墙壁供涂鸦者乱涂乱画,也阻止不了他们弄脏其他地方。” “但重要的是,我们没有任由历史古迹被破坏。如果我们清理它们,人们会更少产生把它们弄脏的念头。”他补充道。

解析     1.第2段句子较长,句中who引导的定语从句解释说明了这位游客涂鸦的原因,在翻译时可将这部分拆分出来,独立成一个分句。
    2.第3段句子较长,可按照意群进行拆分翻译,在The official missive和had clearly failed in its mission之间的是修饰标语的背景信息,可合为一句翻译,而剩下的是说明这个标语是否有效用,因此,剩下的合为一句翻译。
    4.第14段第二句in a row为固定搭配,意为“连续的”。
