In many areas the A380 has proven technologies that will become the standard for the next generation of airliners. As one exampl

admin2019-03-20  64

问题 In many areas the A380 has proven technologies that will become the standard for the next generation of airliners. As one example, the aircraft benefits from a higher proportion of carbon-fibre composite than any previous Airbus aircraft, around 22% compared with 12% for an A340-600 or 9% on a 777. For the first time, this technology has been applied to major components such as the centre-wing box. The information and data management requirements for an aircraft as large as the A380 also have placed demands on system design. These have been met in two ways. The aircraft’s system uses 22 computers of 7 different varieties that share all the functions traditionally handled by individual " black boxes" Data exchange in the system utilizes a high capacity and high speed datalink with data exchange at a rate of 10 million bits per second, 100 times the capacity of a traditional avionics system.


答案 在很多方面,A380经验证的技术都将成为下一代飞机的标准。例如,与之前的客机相比,飞机采用了更多的碳纤维复合材料,并因此而受益。A380复合材料的使用比例大约在22%,A340-600和777的比例则分别为12%和9%。这些复合材料技术也首次被应用于如中央翼盒这样的主要的部件生产中。对于类似于A380这样的大飞机,信息和数据管理对系统设计提出了要求。这些要求在两个方面得到了满足。飞机的航电系统使用了7种类型的22台计算机来承担所有功能,而这些功能之前是由各个“黑盒子”执行的。系统数据交换应用了高容量高速度的数据链,数据交换速度达到了1 000万比特每秒,是传统航电系统速度的100倍。

