A、To produce a play for children. B、To decorate their office. C、To buy some new costumes. D、To enroll some more members. A①对话中女士

admin2018-02-08  35

M: [6]Hello?
W: [6]Eric, it’s Mandy.
M: Hi.
W: You know I told you we could apply to the local council for money for our drama club... [7]I’ve got the application form here but we need to get it back to them by the end of the week. You really ought to fill it in as president of the club.
M: Well, you’re the secretary, so I expect it’s OK if you fill it in..
W: Yeah. [7]But I’d really like to check it together.
M: Right. That’s fine.
W: Like the first part asks for the main contact person. Can I put you there?
M: Sure.
W: Now, in the next part of the form I have to give information about our group... So, name of group. That’s easy. We’re the Community Youth Theatre Group, but then I have to describe it. So, what sort of information do you think they want?
M: Well, they need to know we’re amateurs, not professional actors... and how many members we’ve got. What’s that at present—twenty?
W: Eighteen... and, should we put in [8]the age range, that’s 13 to 22?
M: No, I don’t think we need to. But we’d better put a bit about what we actually do... something like "members take part in drama activities".
W: Now, the next bit is about the project itself—what we’re applying for funding for. So first of all they need to know how much money we want. The maximum’s $500.
M: I think we agreed we’d ask for $250, didn’t we?
W: OK. There’s no point in asking for too much we’ll have less chance of getting it. Then, we need to say what the project... erm, the activity is.
M: Right, [9]so we could write something like "to produce a short play for young children".
W: OK The next thing they want to know is if they give us the grant, how they’ll be credited.
M: What do they mean, credited?
W: I think they mean how we’ll let the public know that they funded us... they want people to know they’ve supported us, it looks good for them.
M: Well, we could say we’d announce it at the end of the play. We could make a speech or something.
W: Hmm, they might prefer to see something in writing... [10]we’ll be giving the audience a program, won’t we—so we could put an acknowledgment in that?
M: [10]Yeah, that’s a better idea.
W: OK And then I think that’s it I’ll get that in the post straight away. I really hope we get the money.
W: I think we’ve got a pretty good chance. Thanks for doing all this.
M: That’s OK. See you soon.
W: Bye.
6.Where does the conversation most probably take place?
7.Why does the woman talk to the man?
8.What do we learn about the drama dub from the conversation?
9.What are they applying for funding for?
l0.How will they publicize the sponsor?

选项 A、To produce a play for children.
B、To decorate their office.
C、To buy some new costumes.
D、To enroll some more members.


解析 ①对话中女士提到表格中有一项需要填写活动内容,男士建议写上“为儿童创作一部短剧”,因此本题选A。②选项B“装修办公室”,选项C“购买新服装”和选项D“吸收新成员”均未在对话中提及。
