In China, there is a special social mentality called "resentment towards the rich", meaning the general public is, to a lesser o

admin2021-05-24  29

问题         In China, there is a special social mentality called "resentment towards the rich", meaning the general public is, to a lesser or greater extent, holding grudge against those rich people. This resentment has been growing for the past years. The following article provides detailed information about this issue.
        Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should:
        1. summarize briefly the public’s resentment toward the rich;
        2. give your comment, especially on the major causes that lead to this mentality.
                                                                Rich Getting Richer, But Poor Becoming Resentful
        Amid a widening wealth gap between rich and poor, a new survey has found that 96 percent of the public said they feel resentful toward the rich.
        The latest survey, released by the Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences, also shows that 70 percent of 1,159 respondents said they feel "a big gap" between the rich and poor in China now, with more than half of the people saying the gap will become bigger.
        The survey, launched in the first half of the year, was based on questionnaires handed out to 10 social groups including public servants, entrepreneurs and farmers.
        "I believe that the wealth gap is a much more serious problem nationwide," said Qiu Iiping, a professor of social stratification at Shanghai University.
        "Our society is in dire need of a platform for dialogue between the rich and poor," he said. Such a platform, he said, will minimize the resentment against the rich.
        "People do not always hate the rich. People hate those who are immorally rich," he said.
But most of time, people do not make that distinction. Cherry Chang, an editor of a luxury magazine in Shanghai, said her car, a red Porsche, has been vandalized three times in the past two weeks.
        Her friend’s Lamborghini fared no better. "I think there are many people in this city who harbor a deep resentment against the rich," she said.
        The wrath aimed at the wealthy has been a hot-button issue recently, and can go past vandalism to include kidnapping and even murder.
        Yi Zhao, a civil servant from Guangdong province, admitted that he dislikes the rich.
        "Most of them collect wealth at the expense of the poor. Take those real-estate manipulators for example. They control the property market aiming for a higher price and a considerable profit," he said.
        "On the other hand, I simply can’t accept the skyrocketing prices. Isn’t it unfair to the majority who are unable to afford an apartment, even if we squeeze together the savings of three generations?"
        However, Xiao Xiaowei, a 24-year-old self-employed from Wuhan, capital of Hubei province, said she actually respects the rich, especially billionaires.
        "It’s true that some of them get rich illegally or at the expense of the poor, but getting rich surely requires some other qualities, such as excellent interpersonal skills. They have the capabilities that others don’t have," Xiao said.
Chang also said she worked hard to buy herself an apartment and a car. "If those people have the time to hate us and envy us, why don’t they spend the time working, using diligence and intelligence?" asked Chang.
        Zhang Qi, a 28-year-old professional in Beijing, said getting rich and making money are not just about working hard.
        "I haven’t thought much about making a lot of money, life is hard for me—and I am privileged with a decent job. For those who are less privileged, life must be even harder," Zhang said.


答案 On Resentment Towards the Rich In recent years in China, resentment towards the rich is popular among the public. According to a survey referred in the article, 96 percent of the public said they feel resentful toward the rich. As for the target of the resentment, both those who are immorally rich and those law-abiding ones are hated. What people do not like about the wealthy ones is their collecting money immorally or illegally and the main driving factor mentioned for people’s resentment is the widening wealth gap between rich and poor. In my opinion, the resentment towards the rich is understandable and can be attributed to two main factors. Firstly, the hatred against the rich is principally caused by the increasingly widening wealth gap. With the reform and opening-up policy as well as the market-based economy, China has achieved great economic growth. However, while some people have profited from such growth, others are still struggling for basic necessities. The rich and poor are gradually polarized in Chinese society and people feel that the gap is unfair and that the luxurious lifestyle of rich people is unacceptable, especially when some of them cannot really justify where their money comes from. Secondly, rich people are disliked because they seem to be able to do whatever they want, even it is illegal. People are no longer surprised by the following news. One is that a certain rich businessman bought out the entire theatre tickets just to make sure that he and his mistress were left alone to enjoy the show. Even worse, another piece of news says that an 18-year-old lad who had caused a car accident was released, because his loaded dad had bribed officials. Similar news coverage goes on and on. That is why ordinary people are amazed and then disgusted by the special treatment rich people enjoy. In conclusion, the growing wealth gap and the ever-present injustice both inflame the public anger against the rich. Rich people should abide by laws and think more about repaying the society to ease this rich-poor tension.

解析         材料通过一个关于仇富心理的调查开篇,引出关于仇富现象的讨论。
        第二、三段进一步介绍这个调查,其中提到该调查表明70%的受访者认为贫富差距大(they feel“a big gap”between the rich and poor)、半数受访者认为贫富差距会扩大(more than half of the people saying the gap will become bigger)、调查的受访者包括公务员、企业家和农民。
        第七至九段阐述仇富心理的其他受害者以及仇富心理可能导致的违法犯罪行为(can go past vandalism to include kidnapping and even murder)。
        最后几段主要介绍持不同立场的人关于富人的看法,其中提到富人招人恨的原因在于牺牲贫困者的利益非法敛财(collect wealth at the expense of the poor)。
