
admin2015-08-31  33

问题     齐白石(1863年~1957年)是中国当代最伟大的艺术家之一。通过长期的实践,齐白石发展了一套独特的具有个人特色的艺术形式。他的绘画作品涉猎广泛,其中他画的花、鸟、鱼、虾和虫受到广泛赞誉。为了提高画虾技巧,他在家里养了一些虾,而且经常观察它们的动作,他将自己为什么改变画虾的方法都写到日记中。齐白石风清骨傲。当时中国还在清王朝的统治之下,他拒绝为慈禧太后画画;他还作画写诗讽刺当时腐败的官员、贪婪的商贾和可耻的卖国贼;在抗日战争时期,他拒绝把自己的作品卖给日本人。


答案 Qi Baishi(1863-1957) is one of the most celebrated contemporary Chinese artists. Through long years of practice, Qi Baishi develops a distinctive personal style. The subjects of his painting are wide and various, and the flowers, birds, fishes, prawns, and insects he painted are mostly admired by his public. In order to improve his technique of painting prawns, he raised some at home and frequently observed their movements. And he wrote in his diary about why he had changed his method of painting prawns. Qi Baishi is a man of noble character. Once, while China was still under the rule of the Qing Dynasty, he refused to draw for the Empress Dowager Ci Xi. And he made paintings and wrote poems mocking corrupt officials, greedy merchants, and shameful traitors. During the Anti-Japanese War, he refused to sell his works to officers of the Japanese intruding army.

