One wet night I was coming home through Hyde Park from working late on a job in Paddington. Pain and wind and swept boughs and s

admin2013-02-04  38

问题    One wet night I was coming home through Hyde Park from working late on a job in Paddington. Pain and wind and swept boughs and sickly gasights on the wet asphalt; and poles nad scaffolding about in preparation for the Jubilee celebration. I had sent a couple of attempts on the subject to the Bulletin, and had got encouragement in Answer to Correspondents. And now the idea of "Sons of the South" or "Song of the Republic" came. I wrote it and screwed up courage to go down to the Bulletin after hours, intending to chop the thing into the letter box, but just as I was about to do so, or rather making up my mind as to whether I’d shove it in, or take it home and have another look at the spelling and the dictionary, the door opened suddenly and a haggard woman stood there. And I shoved the thing into her hand and got away round the comer, feeling something like a person who had been nearly caught on the premises under suspicious circumstances and was not safe yet by any means.
   I hadn’t the courage to go near the Bulletin often again, but used to lie awake at night and get up very early and slip down to the nearest news agent’s on Thursday mornings, to have a pep at the Bulletin, in fear and trembling and half furtively, as if the news - agent - another hard - life woman, by the way, named Mrs. Furlong--would guess my secret. At last, sick with disappointment, I went to the office and saw Mr. Archibird, who seemed surprised, encouraged me a lot and told me that they were holding the "Song of a Re- public" over for a special occasion--Eight Hours Day.


答案 于是我就写了,写好以后过了几个小时,就鼓起勇气,来到《新闻周报》编辑部,打算把它扔在信箱里,可是我没有扔,或者说没等我拿主意,是扔呢,还是拿回家去再看看拼法,查查词典,门突然开了,里面站着一个面容憔悴的女人,我把东西往她手里一塞就走,拐了一个弯,还觉得自己好像是一个人差一点被当场抓住,已经引起怀疑,丝毫不能说已经脱险了呢? ……我没有勇气再往编辑部那边去。晚上经常躺着,睡不着觉。每到星期四,一大早就起来,溜到最近一家卖报的那里,战战兢兢地拿起《新闻周报》看上一眼,还有点不愿让人知道,仿佛那卖报的——顺便说一下,这个女人也是穷苦人,都管她叫高尔龙太太——仿佛她会猜出我秘密。最后,在极度失望的情况下,我就来到报社,见到了阿奇博先生,他好像很惊讶,对我说了许多鼓励的话,还告诉我,他们把“共和国之歌”压缩了一下,是想把它用在一个特殊的场合——迎接八小时工作制。

解析 这篇译文中可适当使用增译法,词序调整法,以及分译法。例如“…had been nearly caught on the premises under suspicious circumstances”利用译法“差一点被当场抓住,已经引起怀疑”;“the Bulletin”运用增译法“为《新闻周刊》编辑部”;“used to lie awake and get up very early and slip down to the nearest news-agent’s on Thursday mornings”这一句可运用多种方法的综合,见译文。文中有些词语理解要到位,“shove”为“to push for- ward or along”塞入;“haggard”为“appearing worn and gaunt”憔悴的;“on the premises”为“on the scene”当场。
