"Seat reclining is one of the most irritating, inconvenient, self-indulgent habits," says Simon Sapper, an organizational consul

admin2022-08-19  23

问题 "Seat reclining is one of the most irritating, inconvenient, self-indulgent habits," says Simon Sapper, an organizational consultant and frequent traveler based in London. But click around the internet for a while, and you’ll find that this debate is far from settled. Many of the blogosphere’s "experts" believe it’s their God-given right to recline.
    Reclining your airline seat is unacceptable because we’re officially out of space. It’s rude—and it’s wrong. There’s no space to recline. Airlines are trying to squeeze more passengers on a plane to make more money. Before airline deregulation, many economy class seats had a generous 36 inches of "pitch" , a rough measure of legroom. Today, some seats have as little as 28 inches.
    "I feel most folks would rather sacrifice the 2 inches of reclining backward not to have someone sitting in their lap for the distance of a flight," says Mary Camillo, a travel advisor from Middletown, New Jersey.
    Also, airlines should immediately stop using the phrase "Sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight." That’s an invitation to lean back all the way. You’ll invade another passenger’s personal space, which might lead to an unfriendly confrontation.
    "Seat recline is a moral issue," says Jennifer Aspinwall, a frequent air traveler. "What do you do if the person in front of you reclines all the way? What if you turn around to discover that a 6-foot-4 passenger seated behind you? Do you eat your meal in your lap while the tray table cuts into your stomach or do you recline as well and crush the legs of the person behind you?"
    Airlines should lock their economy seats from reclining—permanently.
    So if there’s no room to recline your airplane seat, and it’s wrong, why do so many airlines still allow it? Because if they didn’t, it would be an admission that they no longer care about your comfort. Airlines are stacking you into a plane like cargo.
    "I wish all airlines would eliminate the recline function," says Larry Hickerson, a retired Air Force inspector. The airline industry loves the seat reclining argument because it divides us. And while we’re arguing about 2 inches of personal space, they’re busy collecting more money from passengers and slowly removing even more room.
    Whether you think reclining your airline seat is wrong or not, let’s agree on one thing: Greedy airlines got us to this point. Fighting over the scraps of space won’t fix it. If we ever needed thoughtful government regulation, maybe it is now.
    Reclining an airline seat is still allowed on most domestic flights. Here’s how to deal with someone who leans into your airspace. Ask them to lean forward. Timing and tone are important here. The moment someone leans back, gently tap the person on the shoulder and politely ask them if it would be possible not to recline their seat. Get a flight attendant involved. Some leaners are clever and wait for you to go to the restroom before leaning. Then they feign sleep, which makes you reluctant to bother them. Oldest trick in the book. You can always ask a flight attendant for help.


答案 来自伦敦的西蒙.萨珀(Simon Sapper)是某组织顾问,也是出差常客,他表示,“往后调座椅是最恼人、最妨碍人也是最放纵任性的习惯之一。”但只要你上网浏览片刻,你便会发现这场争论远未停息。很多网络世界的“专家”认为后倾座椅是上帝赋予他们的权利。 在飞机上向后调整座椅的行为无法被接受,因为飞机上本就空间不足,这种做法既无礼,更是大错特错。飞机上根本没有向后调整座椅的空间。航空公司为了赚钱,拼命地往飞机里塞入更多乘客。在航空公司放松管制之前,很多经济舱座位之间仍有36英寸的间距,这相当于可伸腿的空间。而现在有些座位间距只有28英寸。来自新泽西州米德尔敦的旅行顾问玛丽.卡米洛(Mary Carmillo)说道,“我觉得大多数人宁愿牺牲这后倾的2英寸空间,也不愿有人全程坐在他们腿上。” 同时,航空公司要立即停用类似于“往后靠坐好,放松,享受旅程”的话语。这相当于鼓励人们全程后倾座椅。而这样会侵犯到另一位乘客的个人空间,还可能由此产生矛盾。“ 座椅后倾是一个道德问题,”飞机旅行常客詹妮弗.阿斯平沃尔(Jennifer Aspinwall)认为。“如果坐在你前面的人全程保持座椅后倾,你会怎么做?万一你转过身发现坐在后面的乘客有6英尺4寸(约1.9米)高怎么办?这时你是打算放在腿上用餐,同时让小桌板卡住肚子?还是你也同样后倾,让座椅压着后面乘客的腿?” 航空公司应该固定住经济舱座椅,永不后倾。 所以,如果飞机上没有空间后倾座椅,且这种行为是错误的,那为什么那么多航空公司仍然允许这种行为呢?因为禁止这种行为就相当于承认航空公司不再关心你的舒适程度,而只是把你像货物一样塞进飞机。 退休空军检查员拉里.希克森(Larry Hickerson)说:“我希望所有的航空公司都能取消座椅后倾功能。”在这个问题上的争论是航空公司所喜闻乐见的,因为这使我们产生分歧。而当我们还在为2英寸的私人空间争论不休时,他们正忙于从乘客身上赚更多钱,甚至逐渐缩小更多空间。 无论你认为后倾座椅正确与否,我们都要在这一点上达成共识:正是贪得无厌的航空公司让我们陷入这种境地。为了这一丁点空间起争执并不能解决问题。如果问我们什么时候需要政府严密监管,或许就是现在了。 大多数国内航班仍允许后倾座椅。如果有人在飞机上后倾座椅,侵占了你的个人空间,有以下方法可供应对。要求他们向前调整座椅。这时的时机和语气很重要。当有人后倾座椅时,轻拍他的肩膀,礼貌询问是否可以回调座椅。请求空乘人员介入。有些人很聪明,会等你去洗手间之后再后倾座椅。接着假装睡觉,让你不好意思打扰他们。这时候有个“教科书级”的老办法——找空乘帮忙,这是任何时候都行得通的。

