Read and think about the following statement: The college years are the best time in a person’s life. Do you agree or

admin2012-01-14  32

问题     Read and think about the following statement:
    The college years are the best time in a person’s life.
    Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
    Give reasons to support your opinion.


答案 Example Essay I disagree that the college years are the best time in a person’s life. Admittedly, college often corresponds with a time when people are young, healthy, and physically strong, and those attributes are highly regarded in Western cultures; however, the college years must also be viewed as a period of high stress and a certain uncomfortable dependence. Stress converges on college students from many directions. First, there is the pressure to choose a major field of study and, ultimately, .to select a career, choices that will affect the rest of their lives. These choices often coincide with another life choice--the selection of a marriage partner. In combination, the stress associated with such important decisions can be very high. Second, there is the daily stress from competition in the classroom, exacerbated by staying up too late studying for tests, preparing papers, and reading assignments. It is well documented that college students tend to gain weight and suffer from many stress-related illnesses. In addition to the stressful environment, most college students are not financially independent. Many rely on their families for funding, a circumstance that is often uncomfortable for young adults. Asking for money usually requires an explanation of why it is needed. In other words, financial dependence for col lege results in dependence in other areas of life at a time when young people are beginning to think for themselves and are old enough to be independent. Besides the embarrassment involved in negotiating for necessities, there is often a strict budget. For some students, there is also a debt to repay. As a college student myself, I view this time of life as an opportunity to prepare for the next, and more important, stage of life, when I am independent and productive. I am eager to begin working and earning my own way. I look forward to the years after college with the hope that the best is yet to be. Checklist for Independent Essay The essay answers the topic question. The point of view or position is clear. The essay is direct and well-organized. The sentences are logically connected. Details and examples support the main idea. The writer expresses complete thoughts. The meaning is easy to comprehend. A wide range of vocabulary is used. Various types of sentences are included. Errors in grammar and idioms are minor. The essay is within a range of 300-350 words.

