
admin2014-01-21  33

问题 中国人有在清明节扫墓祭祖和踏青插柳的习俗。每到清明节,家家户户都要到郊外去祭扫祖先的坟墓。人们为坟墓除去杂草,添加新土,在坟前点上香(incense),摆上食物和纸钱,表示对祖先的思念和敬意。清明时节,树木发芽,到处一片新绿,呈现出生机盎然的景色。人们会到郊外呼吸新鲜空气,观赏蓝天、绿树、小草和鲜花,或者折根柳枝在戴在头上,叫做“插柳”。据说,插柳可以驱除鬼怪和灾难,祈求平安幸福。


答案The Chinese people have the custom of sweeping the tombs, taking an outing and wearing a willow twig on the head on the Tomb-sweeping Day. When the Tomb-sweeping Day comes, every family will go to the country side to hold a memorial ceremony at their ancestors’ tombs. People get rid of any weeds growing around the tomb, add new earth, burn incense and offer food and spirit money to show their remembrance and respect for their ancestors. At this time, the grass and trees have put forth new buds, with fresh green everywhere, which reflects the vitality of spring. It is a good time for people to breathe the fresh air in the countryside and appreciate the blue sky, green trees, grass and flowers. People like to wear a willow twig on the head because it is supposed to be able to drive away ghosts and disasters and bring safety and happiness.

