Interpret the following passage from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop at the signal. You may take

admin2019-09-14  13

问题 Interpret the following passage from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passage only once. Now, let’s begin.
On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, I’m here in Kunming. You might ask, why are we here today at the Kunming Museum? The answer is simple. Let me start with a story about an American pilot named Robert Mooney. This is a story well known here in Kunming. Robert Mooney and other Flying Tiger pilots from the United States were assigned to protect an airfield in Dali from enemy bombers. The airfield was jointly built by U. S. and Chinese workers.
During a battle, Mooney shot down at least two enemy planes before his plane was damaged in a dogfight near the village of Xiangyun. His plane was going down. But rather than eject and save himself which would mean that his plane would crash into the village, he did something else. He steered the plane away from Xiangyun, sparing the village, he was vitally injured and it was too late when he finally managed to jump out of his plane. His parachute didn’t open and he died. He gave his life for the people of Xiangyun village.
After his death the people of Xiangyun dedicated a monument to him at the crash site. To this day many villagers here at Xiangyun tidy up Lieutenant Mooney’s monument each year on Tomb Sweeping Day. Why? to express their gratitude for his sacrifice. Mooney was just one of the 2, 590 American service men and women who died in China during the Second World War. Throughout the war, brave Chinese men and women provided assistance to thousands of American airmen whose planes were shot down.
The Second World War has a personal meaning for me and for my wife Mel. We are both children of World War II veterans. Mel’s father served in the U. S. Air Force here in China. He was a pilot. I’ve heard many stories about how proud he was to fight alongside the Chinese during the war. Mel has a piece of silk that he carried with him when he was flying in battle over China. The silk includes a picture of the American flag as well as language in Chinese basically saying, "I’m an American. I’m here flying to help China against the Japanese. And if you find me please help and assist me and give me care. "
The Chinese and Americans performed heroic acts of bravery. Both sides sacrificed and demonstrated just how committed our two countries were to helping each other in a moment of need. Bonds like these are lasting. We can’t forget the bravery and sacrifices of men and women on both sides that came together for a common cause. Our history here and our partnership in the war fighting fascism is a good foundation for us to build on. I often say that the relationship between China and the United States is the most important relationship between any two countries in the world today, and I think it’s up to us to work hard to make sure we make that right.


答案 在第二次世界大战结束70周年纪念日之际,我来到昆明。你们可能要问,为什么今天会来昆明博物馆?答案很简单。我先从一个名叫罗伯特-穆尼的美国飞行员的故事说起,这在昆明是一个广为人知的故事。穆尼和其他飞虎队飞行员被派去保卫在大理的一个飞机场,防御敌机轰炸。那个飞机场是美国和中国工人共同建造的。 在一次战役中,穆尼的飞机在祥云村附近的一次空战中受损,而在此之前,他击落了至少两架敌机。他的飞机在下坠,但他并没有跳伞逃生,因为那将意味着他的飞机会坠毁在村子里。穆尼没有这样做。他将飞机驶离祥云,避开了村子。穆尼因为受伤太严重,跳伞太晚,他的降落伞没有张开,他牺牲了,他将生命献给了祥云村的人民。 他死后,祥云的人民在坠机地点为他建了一座纪念碑。到现在,很多祥云的村民每年清明节都来为空军上尉穆尼扫墓。为什么?对他的牺牲表示感激。穆尼只是二战期间在中国牺牲的2590名美国军人中的一员。整个战争期间,勇敢的中国人为数以千计的飞机被击落的美国飞行员们提供了帮助。 第二次世界大战对我和我的妻子梅尔具有个人意义。我们都是二战老兵的孩子。梅尔的父亲曾服役于在中国备战的美国空军。他非常自豪在战争期间曾与中国人并肩作战。我听过很多他的这些故事。梅尔有一块他在中国飞行作战时随身携带的丝绸。丝绸上有美国国旗的图案和中文字,中文的大体意思是: “我是美国人。我在这里飞行帮助中国对日作战。如果你发现我,请帮助、协助并照顾我。” 中国人和美国人都非常英勇。双方都做出了牺牲并展现出了在需要的时刻,我们两国是多么致力于互相帮助。像这样的纽带是持久的。双方为了共同的事业走到一起,我们不能忘记两国人民的勇敢和为此做出的牺牲。这一段历史和我们在反法西斯战争中结成的伙伴关系是一个良好的基础,我们要在此基础上进一步发展我们的关系。我经常说中美之间的关系是当今世界上最重要的双边关系,需要我们双方共同努力,让它沿着正确的方向前进。

