Language is a set of verbal symbols that are primarily auditory, but second written, now in more than 2,200【S1】 _______________

admin2022-07-27  152

问题     Language is a set of verbal symbols that are primarily
auditory, but second written, now in more than 2,200【S1】 __________________
different languages with more than 400 orthographic systems
for computer adaption. It also constitutes of【S2】___________________
the most distinctive feature of a culture, that may be【S3】 ___________________
described in a simplistic manner as the totality of the
beliefs and practices of a society. And although a
language may regarded as a relatively small part of a【S4】 ___________________
culture, it is indispensable for both the functioning and the
perpetuation of a culture.  Accordingly, competent translators【S5】___________________
are always aware that ultimately words only have meaning
in terms of the corresponding culture. But because【S6】___________________
a language can usually be acquired within a period of ten years,
it took a lifetime to understand and become【S7】___________________
an integral part of a culture. In order to understand and
appreciate the related roles of language and culture as
two dependent symbolic systems, it may be helpful to【S8】___________________
describe some of their more relevant similarities, differences,
and interrelations. Their similarities can perhaps
be best understood in terms of early acquisition, loss,
collective activity and socio semiotic factor.  The differences【S9】 ___________________
can also be described in terms of language as the most distinctive feature of a culture and
the underlying forces that sustain and drive the culture. The relations【S10】___________________
between language and culture can then be described in terms of reciprocal modification and the representation
of culture by language.



解析 本题所在行中,句号前的句子是一个主从复合句,其中culture一词共出现了两次。第一次在从句部分的a relatively small part,of a culture处,其冠词为a,表示泛指的一种文化;第二次是在主句部分的the functioning and the perpetuation of aculture处,表示“该文化的运作和延续”,此处的culture回指前面从句中的culture,为特指,故不定冠词a应改为定冠词the。
