
admin2021-02-24  22

问题     区别于其他形式的校园暴力,霸凌行为通常并不会造成严重的一次性肢体伤害,但却往往会给受害人带来持久性隐形创伤。如果没有受到专业的心理引导,受害者有可能转变为报复社会的人,进而从受害者转变为施暴者,将自己的遭遇原封不动或放大百倍地转嫁到他人身上。美国相关机构的统计显示,在过去25年的37起校园枪击案中,有三分之二的攻击者都曾是校园暴力或校园霸凌的受害者。


答案Different from other forms of school violence, bullying does not usually result in a serious one-off physical hurt; instead, it would often bring the victim a persistent invisible trauma. Lack of professional psychological guidance the victims may have the tendency to take revenge on society. As a result, the victims turn into the perpetrators, passing their unfortunate sufferings onto others, exactly or a hundred times amplified. Statistics from relevant institutions in the USA show that in the 37 cases of school shootings during the past 25 years, 2/3 of the attackers were once the victims of school violence or campus bullying.

解析 1.本文选自《中国教师报》,原文共有三句话,逻辑清晰,但长句较多,翻译时应理清原文关系,适当进行拆译。
2.第一句“不会……但却……”的句式建议使用instead表达,译为bullying does not...instead,it would...。“带来持久性隐形创伤”原句省略了宾语,译文可补上受害者victim,译作bring the victim a persistentinvisible trauma。
3.第二句中“转变为报复社会的人”可转译成为动词结构“报复社会”译作take revenge on society。“进而”可用as a result来表达,独立成句。“将自己的遭遇原封不动或放大百倍”可用过去分词作状语,译为completely or a hundred times amplified。
4.第三句的状语较长,“在过去25年的37起校园枪击案中”可译作in the 37 cases of school shootingsduring the past 25 years。
