《白蛇传》(Legend of the White Snake)是中国古代广为流传的民间故事之一。传说一条名叫“白素贞”的白蛇来到凡间与许仙结为夫妻。然而,他们的婚姻遭到法海和尚(Buddhist monk)的反对,因为法海认为人妖(evil spirit

admin2017-09-18  33

问题     《白蛇传》(Legend of the White Snake)是中国古代广为流传的民间故事之一。传说一条名叫“白素贞”的白蛇来到凡间与许仙结为夫妻。然而,他们的婚姻遭到法海和尚(Buddhist monk)的反对,因为法海认为人(evil spirit)不能结合。于是,法海将白素贞压在雷峰(pagoda)底。多年后,白素贞的儿子中了状元(Zhuangyuan title),来到雷峰塔前跪拜母亲。这一切感动了天神,令雷峰塔倒塌,白素贞出塔,一家人终得以团聚。


答案 "Legend of the White Snake" is one of the folk tales widely circulated in ancient China. The tale goes that a white snake named Bai Suzhen came to the human world and married Xu Xian. Unfortunately, their marriage was opposed by a Buddhist monk named Fahai, who believed that the marriage between human and evil spirit could not be allowed. He then kept Bai Suzhen under the Leifeng Pagoda. Many years later, after gaining a Zhuangyuan title (the first place in the imperial examination), Bai Suzhen’s son knelt down in front of the Leifeng Pagoda. God was moved by his action and collapsed the pagoda from which Bai Suzhen is freed Finally, Bai Suzhen reunited with her husband and son.

解析 1.第1句中的定语“中国古代广为流传的”较长,故将其处理成后置定语,用分词短语widely circulated in ancient China来表达。
2.汉语中的故事开头“传说……”常表达为The tale goes that...。
3.第3句中的“然而”译为unfortunately,带有同情弱者的感情色彩,使故事的论述语气一脉相承,比直译为however更生动传神。仔细分析“……遭到法海和尚的反对,因为法海认为……”后发现,两个分句都是论述法海,故用关系代词who引导定语从句来表示后一个分句,译作who believed that...,这样使句子结构更紧凑和自然。
4.最后一句中的“(什么)感动了(谁)”译成英文时常用被动语序“(谁)be moved by(什么)”,故“这一切感动了天神”译为God was moved by his action。“雷峰塔倒”和“白素贞出塔”关联性较强,可用“塔”将两个分句连接起来,译作…collapsed the pagoda from which Bai Suzhen is freed,比直译为the pagoda collapsed and Bai Suzhen was freed out of the pagoda来得精彩。
